Gul Mohar Class 7 English Writing Skills - Diary Entry

Diary Entry

How to write a Diary Entry?
A diary entry is a record of one’s feelings following an event either sad or pleasant. Diary entries are personal reflective in nature.

Guidelines for Diary Writing
A diary entry has no fixed format or style of writing. However, a good diary entry contains the following features:
1. A good diary writing contains the place, the date, the day and even the time of writing. For Example: Agra

28th October, 2020
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.

2. A diary doesn’t need any formal heading. However, it is optional. If you want, you can give a suitable heading.

3. The style and tone is generally informal and personal. You can freely express your viewpoints and feelings.

4. As the diary is writer’s personal document, the diary entry doesn’t need any signature. It is totally optional.

5. You can evolve your own suitable style depending on the topic of your writing.

6. We always address our entries in the first person. If you want, you can give it a name. Usually, people address their diary entries as – “Dear Diary”

7. Tense Most frequently used- Simple past, Present perfect and future.

8. Begin the entry with general sentence describing the day or momentary feelings.

9. In the body, you may discuss an event, your feelings towards it. How it is likely to affect your future plans.

10. Conclude with final remark and future course of action.

Example: While going home you came across many children on the roads at crossroads with begging bowls in their hands. You are shocked and disgusted at this unflattering picture of a country which boasts of being a major economy in the world. Record your experience in your diary.

28th October, 2020
Wednesday, 6:00 pm

Dear Diary,

They say that India is emerging as a major economy in the world. But it is more true that India has the largest army of poor people, paupers and beggars. Hence, millions of people in India are condemned to begging. I am shocked to see hundreds of shabby looking people in rags shouting in woeful tones, “Baba, give me something for God’s sake”. No country can become great if its children are condemned to lead such miserable lives. If millions of children live in such inhuman conditions, dirt and poverty, it is a matter of shame for the government and the civilized society of India. Every child must have a constitutional right to get proper food, clothes and education. It is true that begging has also become a lucrative profession for some bad characters. They kidnap small children and raise them to beggars. The other side of the story is also true. Millions of hands in this country don’t get any jobs to earn a living. They resort to begging.


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