Gul Mohar English Class 7 Chapter - 1 An Uncomfortable Bed

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 1 An Uncomfortable Bed

Writer of the story - Guy de Maupassant
Question and Answers
Question 1: How did the speaker move and act inside the room?
The speaker expected trouble inside the room, so he shut the door and shutters of windows, drew the curtains, lit all the candles, moved with short steps and looked around keenly by inspecting every article in the room.

The speaker suspected that his friends would prank on the him, as they were good at  practical jokes. Under the assumption of being pulled he thought that, they were spying on him. This made him feel insecure and felt that they were spying on him. This made him insecure and felt that they had laid a trap for him, and hence was alert to protect himself from becoming the victim.
Question 2: Why did the speaker close the shutters and drew the curtains? What happened as a result of this? What else did he do that helped to bring about the outcome?
The speaker closed the shutters and drew the curtains so that no trick could be played on him through the window. To ensure safety, the speaker dragged the mattress along with the bed clothes to the middle of the room because he expected danger from every corner of the room. He probably thought that he would be safe in the middle and can protect himself.

The valet who brought his morning cup of tea just tripped over the unexpected bed. Thus he, himself became a victim by trying to avoid being tricked.
Question 3: Why didn't the speaker dare to get into the bed? Why did he finally go to the bed?
At first, the speaker didn't dare to get into the bed because he was sure that his friends had made some arrangement in the bed for a prank.

Later, he decided to sleep on the bed because his friends would laugh at him for being afraid of their tricks. He didn't wanted to show that he was scared and couldn't let them have so much fun at his expense and went to the bed to challenge them.

Question 4: The speaker was awakened by the body falling over him. What else did he feel and hear at the same time? When and how did he realize what had really happened?
The speaker was awakened by the body falling over him, he felt a hot burning liquid on him which made him howl with pain. At the same time, he heard a great noise as if many plates and dishes had fallen down.

After a brief struggle the speaker managed to get up and rushed out of the room. It was then realized that the valet had accidentally tripped over the unexpected improvised bed, which he had dragged in the middle of the room to feel same from the possible prank.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. thanks so much , i have my english exam tomorrow and these questions might come , i have learnt the answers and aam so ready to give the exam!

  3. "The night was advancing " What does the author mean by this?

  4. In page numbers 6 there are some can anyone tell me the answers

    1. Hi user,
      The answer to your query is:

      A. Underline the uncountable nouns in these sentences and write 1, 2 or 3 depending on which rule applies to each of them.
      1. There is a grain of truth in what he says. Rule 2
      2. Experience is a good teacher. Rule 1
      3. Their family has been in business for many years. Rule 1
      4. It is difficult to put out fire without an extinguisher. Rule 1
      5. The coming months are a period of excitement. Rule 2
      6. Seaweed is a widely used component in shampoos these days. Rule 1
      7. It was a friendship that was very special and rare. Rule 3
      8. He received a shower of praise for his new book. Rule 2

      B. Complete these sentences with suitable indefinite pronouns from the box.
      several, anyone, no one, another, something, few, most, each
      1. Something tells me that it will rain this afternoon. I can almost smell the rain.
      2. Has anyone seen my glasses?
      3. I don’t think this fits, could I try another, please?
      4. Many people have watched this film, but few have liked it.
      5. I don’t have many music CDs, but Neetu has several.
      6. No one can surpass his greatness as a music composer.
      7. Both these cakes look delicious. I will be greedy and have one of each.
      8. Just a few people have accepted the invited but most have refused.


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