Gul Mohar English Class 7 Chapter - 11 The Little Mechanics

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 11 The Little Mechanics

Writer of the story - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Question and Answers
Question 1: What high hopes did Isaac's grandmother have for her grandson's future? What hopes did the neighbours have?
Isaac was an intelligent child and showed exceptional skill in mechanics by making various unique objects. His grandmother thought that Isaac would be an excellent workman and was confident that he would be successful in life.

Some of her neighbours thought that Isaac would make beautiful furniture and sell it to rich people, while some others felt that he would become a great architect and would build beautiful mansions and churches with tall steeples. Yet others may have thought that he would become a clockmaker.
Question 2: What kind of situation was the speaker talking about and how was he going to deal with it?
Isaac made a clock with the combination of mechanical skills and knowledge of mathematics which nobody had ever heard of before. Isaac had made a sundial which could tell the time when it was bright and sunny. He had also made a unique clock which was set to work by the dropping of water and not by wheels and weighs. His grandmother was never at a loss to know the time as the water clock would tell the time in the shade and the sundial in the sunshine.
Question 3: What plan did the speaker use? Did his plan work?
Young Isaac was greatly impressed by the windmill which worked on new technology. His curious mind made him visit the windmill frequently and spend hours examining its various parts. His sharp mind grasped the details of its mechanism which led him to build a miniature working model of the windmill.

It had little linen sails that whirled around when there was a wind. The most fascinating part was, if wheat was put into the little hopper of the windmill, it would be soon converted into flour.


  1. Anonymous12 July, 2021

    Please make a post a summary on A sea of foliage... And Break, Break Break poem...

    1. Ok! We shall also post the summary of "A Sea of Foliage" and "Break, Break, Break" poems

  2. Summary of ch the little mechanic

    1. Hi,

      The answer to your query is:

      Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe, a village in England. He was brought up by his grandmother. He was very interested in making different ingenious toys and showed signs of great promise in inventing things. His grandmother and neighbours were sure that he would be famous one day, by making furniture or by becoming an architect and so on. Some of his neighbours probably advised his grandmother to send him to a clockmaker. They had good reason for doing so; Isaac had already made two wonderful clocks. One of them was a water clock. The other was a sundial. Isaac had the knack of acquiring knowledge from various sources, by various means. He could measure the force of a wind by jumping against it. When he found a windmill which operated on new technology, he spent hours observing it and examining its different parts. He did not stop at understanding its mechanism; he went ahead and implemented it by building a model windmill. It was so perfect that it could actually turn wheat into flour. Isaac's friends were fascinated with it.

      As Isaac grew older, his attention moved to more important things. He read extensively, thought deeply, and observed as curiously as ever. That curiosity led him to his discoveries. He found out about the nature of light, about gravitation and much more. From the mechanism of a windmill, he had moved on to the mechanism of the universe. He was honoured in several ways-he was knighted, made a Member of the Parliament and was otherwise an illustrious man. However, he remained humble, seeing himself as a child picking up mere pebbles and shells beside an ocean of undiscovered truth.

      This is a biography, which the renowned author Nathaniel Hawthorne has made interesting with the use of stories of Newton's childhood games and toys. These stories show us the nature of Newton's genius, which could be observed right from his childhood. He elaborates on Newton's childhood more than he does on his adulthood; this helps to engage young readers' attention and interest. The text is written in chronological order, beginning with Newton's birth and going on to childhood, adulthood and then old age. This style serves the biography well as it helps the reader to form a clear picture of Newton's life.

      If you found our answer helpful, do share it with your friends!

  3. Summary of little mechanic

    1. Hi,

      The answer to your query is:

      Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe, a village in England. He was brought up by his grandmother. He was very interested in making different ingenious toys and showed signs of great promise in inventing things. His grandmother and neighbours were sure that he would be famous one day, by making furniture or by becoming an architect and so on. Some of his neighbours probably advised his grandmother to send him to a clockmaker. They had good reason for doing so; Isaac had already made two wonderful clocks. One of them was a water clock. The other was a sundial. Isaac had the knack of acquiring knowledge from various sources, by various means. He could measure the force of a wind by jumping against it. When he found a windmill which operated on new technology, he spent hours observing it and examining its different parts. He did not stop at understanding its mechanism; he went ahead and implemented it by building a model windmill. It was so perfect that it could actually turn wheat into flour. Isaac's friends were fascinated with it.

      As Isaac grew older, his attention moved to more important things. He read extensively, thought deeply, and observed as curiously as ever. That curiosity led him to his discoveries. He found out about the nature of light, about gravitation and much more. From the mechanism of a windmill, he had moved on to the mechanism of the universe. He was honoured in several ways-he was knighted, made a Member of the Parliament and was otherwise an illustrious man. However, he remained humble, seeing himself as a child picking up mere pebbles and shells beside an ocean of undiscovered truth.

      This is a biography, which the renowned author Nathaniel Hawthorne has made interesting with the use of stories of Newton's childhood games and toys. These stories show us the nature of Newton's genius, which could be observed right from his childhood. He elaborates on Newton's childhood more than he does on his adulthood; this helps to engage young readers' attention and interest. The text is written in chronological order, beginning with Newton's birth and going on to childhood, adulthood and then old age. This style serves the biography well as it helps the reader to form a clear picture of Newton's life.

      If you found our answer helpful, do share it with your friends!

  4. Can you please make reference to context of this chapter

    1. Hi,
      Here are all the reference to context questions for this chapter!

      Reference to Context
      Question 1: Read and answer the questions:
      That unseen, inconstant and ungovernable wonder...
      a) What is this wonder?
      Answer: In this line, the wonder is being referred to the wind.

      b) Why is it called inconstant and ungovernable?
      Answer: The wind has been called inconstant and ungovernable as the wind changes its speed and direction. Wind can blow gently as breeze as well as strongly as a storm. Wind is ungovernable because no one can stop or control the wind.

      c) What did Isaac make it do? How?
      Answer: Sir Isaac Newton had made a discovery that could measure the strength of the wind. He found it by jumping against the wind. And by the length of his jump, he would calculate the force of the gentle breeze, a brisk gale or a tempest.

      Question 2: Read and answer the questions:
      As a boy Isaac had discovered the mechanism of a windmill. As a man, he explained to his fellow human beings the complex mechanism of the universe.
      a) How did Isaac study the mechanism of the universe?
      Answer: Isaac had studied the mechanism of the universe by reading books that were based on mathematics and natural philosophy. He also thought deeply about different things, example - he gazed curiously at stars and wondered about their nature, distance etc.

      b) Which discoveries by Isaac Newton does the text mention?
      Answer: The text mentions that Isaac was the first person to find out the nature of light. He discovered the gravitational force and then figured out all the laws by which planets are guided through the sky.

      Question 3: Read and answer the questions:
      ‘I seem to myself as a child playing on the seashore and picking up here and there a curious shell or a pretty pebble while the boundless ocean of truth lies undiscovered before me.’
      a) In this statement, the sea or the ocean has been compared to truth. What has been represented as a curious shell or a pretty pebble? Why?
      Answer: In this paragraph, the discoveries that were made by Isaac Newton or the laws & mechanisms he understood have been represented as a curious shell or a pretty pebble. These discoveries have been called curious and pretty because they are wonderful & interesting. They have been compared to shells and pebbles because although they were very important in themselves, they were small compared to the vast ‘ocean of truth’ - the many things which Isaac had not been able to understand.

      b) Why do you think Isaac saw himself as a child in this image?
      Answer: Isaac saw himself as a child in this image because he felt as small, curious, wondering and excited and as inexperienced as a child compared to the vast ocean of truth that guides universe.

      c) What feelings does this statement express?
      Answer: This statement expresses wonder at the workings of the world - the many laws and truths that still lie undiscovered. It expresses curiosity to know these truths. It also expresses humbleness - it shows that Isaac Newton, far from feeling proud of his achievements, was wise enough to realise that there were still many things to be understood and discovered and thus felt humble and small instead of feeling proud and important.

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