Kips Class 7 IT Beans Chapter 12 The Virus

Chapter 12 The Virus

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A computer virus
disrupts the normal operation of a computer.
2. Computer virus result in loss of
speed and destruction of data.
3. Virus
enters the computer without the permission of knowledge of the user.
4. A computer virus causes harm to the
data and program stored in a computer by overwriting them with garbage.
5. Virus enters through an infected
pen drive or CD.
6. Virus programs are
7. Some virus programs monitor the
clock in the host computer and trigger on a certain day, like Friday the 13th.
Antivirus software are designed to identify, prevent and remove virus from computer.

B. State True or False:
1. A computer virus is similar to a biological virus. (
2. All virus programs cause harm to data or programs. (
Correct Answer: Most virus programs cause harm to data or programs.
3. The virus, Friday the 13th gets activated on 25th December. (
4. The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET in the year 2002. (
Correct Answer: The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET in 1970s.
5. We should equip our computer with anti-virus programs. (
6. Trojan Horses are self replicating. (
Correct Answer: Trojan Horses are not self replicating.
7. Virus can enter our computer through an infected pen drive. (
8. Virus has no effect on the speed of a computer. (
9. Virus increases the memory of a computer. (
Correct Answer: Virus decreases the memory of computer.
10. VIRUS stands for Vital Information Resource Under Seize. (

C. Application Based Question:
1. Varsha's computer has got infected with a virus, which led to the frequent hanging of the system. Which software will you suggest her to install in order to solve this problem?
She can use Antivirus softwares such as Norton Antivirus, McAfee etc.

2. Sumit's computer is not working properly. The executable files and program with extensions, like .com, .exe, .ovl, .drv, .sys on his PC have got infected. What type of virus has entered into his computer?
Program File Virus

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which virus infects the boot record or master boot record?
a) Worm
b) Boot Virus
c)  Spyware

b) Boot Virus

2. Which virus is named after the wooden horse used by the Greek Army to conquer the city of Troy?
a) Dark Avenger
b) Stoned Virus
c) Trojan Horse

Answer: c) Trojan Horse

3. When was the first PC virus released?
a) 1987
b) 1985
c) 1897

Answer: a) 1987

4. Which one of the following is a name of a virus?
a) Jan First
b) April First
c) May First

Answer: b) April First

5. Who released the first PC virus?
a) Duke Brothers
b) Wright Brothers
c) Farooq Alvi Brothers

Answer: c) Farooq Alvi Brothers

E. Answer the following:
1. What is a computer virus? Name its types.
A computer virus is a program or set of programs that disrupts the normal operation of a computer. Three types of virus are:
• Program File Virus
• Boot Virus
• Macro Virus

2. Write any three possible symptoms of virus in a computer.
The three possible symptoms of virus in computer are:
• Reducing the speed of computer by decreasing the memory.
• Deleting or damaging files.
• Frequent hanging of the system.

3. What do you understand by the term Spyware?
Spyware is a type of malware that is installed on computers and collects information about user without their knowledge. It secretly monitors the user's computing.

4. Explain the term Trojan Horse.
Trojan Horse damages a computer like erasing the disk. It is not self-replicating. It spreads only when it is copied to another system.

5. Write any three ways that can help preventing a virus infection.
Three ways that help in preventing a virus infection are:
• Every PC should be equipped with some antivirus program.
• Do not install pirated software.
• Always scan pen drive or CD before coping files.

6. Briefly explain Antivirus software. Name the antivirus software that is used in your school computer.
Antivirus software are computer programs which are designed to identify, prevent and remove virus from a computer. Some of the popular antivirus programs are: Norton Antivirus, McAfee, AVG etc.


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