Number: Structure and Properties Terms

Number: Structure and Properties Terms

Average: The total of all scores or items ÷ by how many scores or items there were.

Decrease: To get smaller in size or number.

Denominator: The bottom number of a fraction. The number below the line in a fraction.

Equation: A mathematical statement that contains an = sign to show that two expressions are equal.

Factor: A whole number which divides exactly into another number (with no remainder).

Countable. Is not infinite. Does not go on forever.

Formula: A general equation or rule.

Function: A relation between two sets called the domain and range in which each member of the domain is related to precisely one member of the range.

Highest common factor (HCF): The largest number that divides evenly into two or more numbers.

Improper fraction: A fraction whose numerator (number on top line) is greater than its denominator
(number on bottom line).

Inequality: A mathematical sentence that compares two unequal expressions using one of these symbols: <, >, ≤, ≥ and ≠

Least common multiple (LCM): The smallest number that is a common multiple of two or more numbers.

Mixed number: A number written as a whole number with a fraction.

Multiple: The product of a whole number and any other whole number.

Natural number: A whole number, from 1 to infinity. These numbers are used for counting.

Ratio: A comparison of two amounts, measures or numbers.

Recurring decimal: A decimal which has repeating digits or a repeating pattern of digits. Example: 1/3 = 0.3333....

Square Root: A number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number.


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