NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 8 - Human Environment Interaction The Tropical and Subtropical Region Extra Questions

Chapter 8 - Human Environment Interaction The Tropical and Subtropical Region Extra Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The place where a river flows into another water body is called
a) river’s mouth
b) river’s nose
c) river’s leg
d) all of these
a) river’s mouth

2. How is the climate of Amazon basin characterized?
a) By cold and wet
b) By hot and wet
c) By dry or wet
d) None of these
c) By dry or wet

3. The tropical region lies very close to the equator; between
a) 20°N and 20°S
b) 30°N and 25°S
c) 10°N and 10°S
d) 30°N and 60°S
c) 10°N and 10°S

4. At night the temperature goes down in the Amazon basin but the humidity
a) remains same
b) remains low
c) remains high
d) none of these
c) remains high

5. Toucans are the type of
a) animals
b) crops
c) birds
d) reptiles
c) birds

6. Which of the following is the largest basin in the world?
a) Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin
b) Amazon basin
c) Yangtze River Basin
d) Congo River Basin
b) Amazon basin

7. What is the main occupation of the people living in Ganga-Brahmaputra basin?
a) Fishing
b) Making shoes
c) Mining
d) Agriculture
d) Agriculture

8. Where is Bengal Tiger found?
a) Mountain area
b) Amazon basin
c) Sundarbans delta
d) All of these
c) Sundarbans delta

9. On which river bank are Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, located?
a) River Ganga
b) River Brahmaputra
c) River Hooghly
d) River Yamuna
a) River Ganga

10. The basin lies in the sub-tropical region that is situated between
a) 20°N and 20°S
b) 30°N and 25°S
c) 10°N and 10°S
d) 10°N and 30°N
d) 10°N and 30°N

11. The Prime Minister of India launched the “Swachh Bharat Mission” on
a) 2nd October 2014
b) 3rd October 2014
c) 15th August 2013
d) 3rd November 2010
a) 2nd October 2014

12. Manioc is the staple food of
a) Ganga Basin
b) Africa
c) Amazon
d) None of these
c) Amazon

13. Kolkata is located on the river
a) Orange
b) Hooghly
c) Bhagirathi
d) None of these
b) Hooghly

14. Deodars and firs are a type of
a) Coniferous trees
b) Deciduous trees
c) shrubs
d) All of these
a) Coniferous trees

Answer the following questions:
15. What is river’s mouth?
The place where a river flows into another body of water is called the river’s mouth.

16. Define the tributary.
The small rivers that join the main river are called its tributaries, for example Son, Yamuna are tributaries of Ganga.

17. Write a short note on the climate of the Amazon Basin.
The Amazon Basin stretches directly on the equator and is characterized by hot and wet climate throughout the year. Both day and nights are almost equally hot and humid. The skin feels sticky. The day temperatures are high with very high humidity. At night the temperature goes down but the humidity remains high.

18. What do you know about the location of Ganga - Brahmaputra Basin? Mention the climate of this basin.
The Ganga - Brahmaputra basin is located in the subtropical regions that is situated between 10°N to 30°N. The tributaries of river Ganga and Brahmaputra together form this basin. This area is dominated by monsoon climate. The monsoon brings rain from mid June to mid September. The summers are hot and winters are cool.

19. What is the main activity of the people of the Ganga - Brahmaputra basin? Give an account of it.
The main activity of the people of the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin is agriculture. Paddy is the main crop here. Other crops grown here are wheat, maize, sorghum gram, and millets. Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are also grown. Banana plantations are seen in some areas in the plain. In the West Bengal and Assam tea is grown in plantations. Silk is produced through the cultivation of silkworms in parts of Bihar and Assam.

20. How is tourism an important activity in the Ganga - Brahmaputra basin?
The Ganga-Brahmaputra plain has several big towns and cities, such as Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna and Kolkata. All these places are important from the tourism point of view. Taj Mahal on the bank of river Yamuna is in Agra which is a famous tourist place. Allahabad is situated on the confluence of the river Ganga and Yamuna. Buddhist stupas in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Lucknow with its Imambara, Assam with Kaziranga and Manas wildlife sanctuaries.

21. How can you say that the life of the people of the Amazon basin is changing?
The life of the people of the Amazon basin is slowly changing because
• In the older days the heart of the forest, could be reached only by navigating the river. In 1970 the Trans Amazon highway made all parts of the rainforest accessible.
• Aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places.
• The indigenous population was pushed out from the area and forced to settle in new areas where they continued to practice their distinctive way of farming.

22. Give reason why paddy is grown in the Ganga - Brahmaputra plains.
Paddy is grown in the Ganga - Brahmaputra plains because rice requires sufficient amount of water to grow.

23. How did the Amazon gets its name?
When Spanish explorers discovered the Amazon river, they were attacked by a group of local tribes wearing headgears and grass skirts. These people reminded them of the fierce tribes of women warriors known in ancient Roman Empire as the Amazons. Hence the name Amazon.

24. What are the countries of the Amazon basin through which the equator passes?
The countries of the Amazon basin through which the Equator passes are Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.

25. Define Slash and Burn method.
Slash and Burn is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or cutting down trees and bushes. These are then burnt, which releases the nutrients into the soil. Now crops are grown in this cleared field for a few years. After repeatedly using the patch of land, the soil looses its nutrients. So it is abandoned. Then they clear another plot of land to plant. In the meantime young trees grow in the old field. In this way soil fertility is restored. People can then return to it and start cultivating it again.

26. What do you mean population density?
It means the number of persons that live in one sq. km. of area e.g. the population density of Uttarakhand is 189 while the density of West Bengal is 1029 and that of Bihar is 1102.

27. Why are terraces built?
Terraces are built on steep slopes to create flat surfaces on which crops are grown. The slope is removed so that water does not run off rapidly.

28. In which year did Prime Minister of India launch Swachh Bharat?
The Prime Minister of India launched the “Swachh Bharat Mission” on 2nd October 2014.

29. What are the crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin.
The crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin are tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato.

30. Name the birds that are found in the rainforests of the Amazon.
The birds that are likely to be found in the rainforests of Amazon are toucans, humming birds and the birds of paradise, with their brilliantly colored plumage.

31. What are the major cities located on the River Ganga?
The major cities located on the River Ganga are Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna and Kolkata.

Fill in the blanks:
32. Small rivers that join a main river are called

33. West Bengal and Assam are known for
tea plantations.

34. Large houses called
maloca have steep slanting roof.

35. Women of warrior tribe in Roman Empire were called

36. Blind dolphins are also called

Bihar and Assam are known for silk production.

Slash and Burn is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or cutting down trees and bushes.

39. The river basin drains portions of
Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a small part of Venezuela.

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