NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 1 - Crop Production and Management Extra Questions

Chapter 1 - Crop Production and Management Extra Questions

Answer the following questions
1. What are food materials provided by animals?
The food materials provided by animals are milk, meat, egg etc.

2. What are the sources of irrigation?
The sources of irrigation are river, canals, wells, tube wells, dams, ponds, lakes etc.

3. Write some examples of fertilizers.
Some examples of fertilizers are urea, ammonium sulphate, super phosphate, potash, NPP (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium).

4. Why paddy can't grow in winter season?
Paddy requires a lot of water. Therefore, it is grown only in rainy season.

5. What facilities are provided to farm animals?
The facilities provided to farm animals include
• Water and Food
• Shelter
• Medical facility
• Good hygienic practices

6. What is the use of pumps in agriculture?
Pumps are commonly used for lifting water. These pumps run by electricity, diesel, biogas or solar energy. When a pump is used to draw out water from a narrow well, it is called tube-well. They are used increasingly for lifting underground water to be used for irrigation in agriculture.

7. Write the advantages of seed driller.

• It sows the seeds uniformly at equal distance and depth.
• It ensures that the seeds get covered by the soil after sowing. This protects seed from being eaten by birds.
• It saves time and labour.

8. How are grains stored at large scale?
The dried grains are stored in gunny bags, and placed in properly ventilated cemented halls, known as godowns. Farmers keep dried grains in jute bags or metallic bins or mud bins. For storing large quantities of grains in big godowns, specific chemical treatments are used to protect them from pests and microorganisms.

9. Write some examples of insecticides.
Some examples of insecticides are Aldrin, Endrin, Dieldrin.

10. What is the advantage of sowing seeds at appropriate distance?
Appropriate distance between the seeds is important to avoid overcrowding of plants. This allows plants to get sufficient amount of sunlight, nutrients, and water from the soil.

Choose the correct answer:
11. Rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants help in fixing:
a) Sulphur
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen

12. Identify the agricultural method in which different crops are grown on a piece of land season after season.
a) Irrigation
b) Monoculture
c) Crop rotation
d) Shifting cultivation
c) Crop rotation

13. Which of the following animal is taken care of in animal husbandry?
a) Rhino
b) Tiger
c) Buffalo
d) Lion
c) Buffalo

14. Which of the following tool helps in uniform distribution of seeds while sowing?
a) Thresher
b) Seed drill
c) Funnel connected to pipes
d) Sprinkler
b) Seed drill

15. The process of drying wheat stalks in the sun and then beating them to separate the grains is called
a) Winnowing
b) Threshing
c) Churning
d) Sieving
b) Threshing

16. Arrange the following agricultural practices in the order in which they are followed.
1. Harvesting
2. Sowing
3. Storage
4. Irrigation
5. Preparation of soil
a) 1→2→3→4→5
b) 5→2→4→1→3
c) 2→1→3→5→4
d) 5→3→4→1→2
b) 5→2→4→1→3

17. In today’s world, where water is a scarce resource, which among the following irrigation methods is most feasible and sustainable?
a) Sprinkler system
b) Drip system
c) Tube well
d) Chain pump
b) Drip system

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