NCERT Class 8 Science Exemplar Chapter 7 - Conservation of Plants and Animals

Chapter 7 - Conservation of Plants and Animals

Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1: Wild buffalo is an endangered species because
a) its population is diminishing
b) it has become extinct
c) it is found exclusively in a particular area
d) its poaching is strictly prohibited
a) its population is diminishing

Question 2: Which one of the following changes may occur due to desertification?
a) Decrease in atmospheric temperature.
b) Increase in water holding capacity of soil.
c) Increased chances of floods.
d) Conversion of fertile land into a desert.
d) Conversion of fertile land into a desert.

Question 3: Which one of the following statements is true about a Biosphere Reserve?
a) It is a protected area where only endemic species live.
b) It is meant only for the conservation of plants and animals.
c) It is meant to conserve both, the biodiversity and the culture of that area.
d) There are no other protected areas within its limits.
c) It is meant to conserve both, the biodiversity and the culture of that area.

Question 4: The place meant for conservation of biodiversity in their natural habitat are
i) Zoological garden
ii) Botanical garden
iii) Wildlife sanctuary
iv) National park
a) i & ii;
b) ii & iii;
c) iii & iv;
d) i & iv
c) iii & iv;

Question 5: Which one of the following statements is true about endemic species?
a) They are found exclusively in a specific habitat.
b) Endemic species can never become endangered.
c) They are found only in zoos and botanical gardens.
d) They are not affected by the destruction of their habitat.
a) They are found exclusively in a specific habitat.

Question 6: Which of the following feature is correct for a wildlife sanctuary?
a) It is an artificially created protected area for animals.
b) It is a protected area for threatened and endangered wild animals.
c) It is meant for conservation of only plant species.
d) Capturing and poaching of animals is strictly prohibited here.
a) It is an artificially created protected area for animals.

Question 7: Which statement is incorrect about endangered species?
a) Their number has decreased drastically.
b) They might become extinct in the near future.
c) They pose a danger to other animals.
d) Their natural habitat needs to be protected.
c) They pose a danger to other animals.

Question 8: What do black buck, elephant, python and golden cat together represent in a forest?
a) fauna
b) flora
c) ecosystem
d) species
a) fauna

Question 9: The Red Data Book keeps a record of all the
i) endemic species.
ii) extinct species.
iii) endangered plants.
iv) endangered animals.
a) i & ii;
b) ii & iii;
c) iii & iv;
d) i & iv
c) iii & iv;

Question 10: Migratory birds fly to far away areas during a particular time of a year. Which of the following conditions present in their habitat during that time are responsible for this behaviour?
i) Unavailability of food.
ii) Extreme weather conditions.
iii) Over crowding.
iv) Lack of nesting areas.
a) ii & iii;
b) i & ii;
c) i & iv
d) ii & iv.
b) i & ii;

Question 11: In our country, large patches of forests are being cleared for cultivation of crops. The environmental impact of such a practice will lead to
a) soil erosion
b) soil conservation
c) soil pollution
d) soil fertility
a) soil erosion

Very Short Answer Questions
Question 12: Why is it important to conserve forests?
It is important to conserve forests because they maintain balance in nature and to conserve the natural ecosystem.

Question 13: Mention any one action that you have undertaken to conserve trees.

→ Saving paper using recycled paper
→ Spreading awareness about harmful effects of deforestation
→ Planting more saplings

Question 14: State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.
i) There can be a wildlife sanctuary within a biosphere reserve.
ii) Plants of a particular area are collectively termed as fauna.
iii) Deforestation leads to an increase in the water holding capacity of the soil.
iv) Bison is an endemic fauna of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.

i) True
ii) False; Plants of a particular area are collectively termed as flora.
iii) False; Deforestation leads to an decrease in the water holding capacity of the soil.
iv) True.

Question 15: Can a forest regenerate naturally in a short period of time?
Yes, a forest can regenerate naturally in a short period of time as reforestation can take place naturally by leaving the deforested area undisturbed for a long time but this process could take a long time.

Question 16: Name the first Reserve Forest of India.
The first Reserve Forest of India is Satpura National Park.

Short Answer Questions
Question 17: Why are wildlife sanctuaries important for conservation of plants and animals?

→ It maintains fertility of the soil.
→ It maintains the ecological balance on the Earth.
→ It maintains the weather by regulating rainfall etc.

Question 18: Why are endemic organisms in greater danger of becoming extinct?
Endemic species are those species of plants and animal found only in a particular area and not found anywhere else. Endemic organisms are confined to a limited geographical area. They cannot adapt or live outside their natural habitat. Any disturbance to their habitat will adversely affect them.

Question 19: How are even small animals important in an ecosystem?
The balance in the ecosystem is maintained by the number of small animals present at a particular trophic level because large organisms feed on small animals. All the organisms are interlinked to each other and form a food web. Even the small organisms form a part of the food chain or food web.

Question 20: A new species X is introduced in a forest. How is it likely to affect the local species of that area?
Any new species may cause adverse effects on an ecosystem in which they are introduced like the members of the species may compete for food and other resources with the organisms of the ecosystem which may result in rapid decrease or extinction of a species which is important for the ecosystem to remain stable.

Question 21: Does soil erosion affect the fertility of soil? How?
Yes, soil erosion affects the fertility of the soil as removal of top layer of soil exposes the hard and rocky lower layers, which have very less humus and air. As they are less fertile, soil becomes like desert. This causes desertification.

Question 22: What is the unique feature of the biodiversity found in Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve?
The unique feature of the biodiversity found in Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve is that the plants and animals found here are similar to those of the upper Himalayan peaks and to those belonging to the lower Western Ghats.

Question 23: Mention the aim of Forest (Conservation) Act.
Forest conservation act was made to raise the standard of living the people living near the forest and to conserve natural resources of the forest.

Question 24: What is biodiversity?
Biosphere is that part of the earth in which living organisms exist or which supports life.

Long Answer Questions
Question 25: Is deforestation associated with global warming? Explain.
Yes, deforestation is associated with global warming as plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis. Deforestation results in decreased number of trees leading to accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat rays reflected by the earth which results in global warming.

Question 26: How does deforestation lead to frequent floods and droughts?
Deforestation leads to frequent floods and droughts because it results in decreased water holding capacity of soil. This reduces the infiltration of water into the ground which causes floods. On the other hand, deforestation leads to higher level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which causes global warming. Scarcity of trees disturbs the water cycle and may reduce rainfall leading to droughts.

Question 27: Why should we save paper?
About seventeen full grown trees are required to produce one tonne of paper. Paper can be recycle about five to seven times for use. We should save, reuse and recycle paper to save not only trees but also to save the energy, water and chemicals used to make paper. Therefore, we must save paper.

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