Gul Mohar English Class 6 Chapter - 2 Wild Duck

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 2 Wild Duck

Writer of the story - Romesh Gunesekera
Question and Answers

Question 1: Until the birds arrived, the boy barely spoke to the man. He only showed interest in what they were doing when the birds started to fly in. Why do you think he did this?
The boy did this because being passionate about watching the flight of the birds he wanted to continue it for a long time. 

Question 2: The sky deepened, the water turned black. What is happening here? Describe it in your words.
In this line, the changeover of the nature has been clearly expressed. It’s the time of late afternoon. The sun set down gradually it was getting darker everywhere. So it seems to the narrator as if the lake water had turned black in color.

Question 3: …the boy looked frightened at what he had done… What had the boy done and why was he frightened by it? What had the boy done and why was he frightened by it.
The boy had shot the leader of the flying wild duck with his gun. Being a bird lover, after shooting the wild duck, the boy felt pity and got disappointed at his own act. So he thought that perhaps he had killed the bird and it made him terribly frightened.

Question 4: You will have to look after it. Do you think the man wanted the boy to look after the duck? What makes you think so? How did the boy react it? Do you think the man expected him to react like this?
Yes, the man really wanted the boy to look after the wounded wild duck. The man himself told the boy to look after the wild duck and didn’t forbid him to take care of the wounded bird. The boy reacted angrily and told that he knew it and he would take care of the bird for sure. No, the man didn’t expect the boy to react like this as he thought that the boy would be happy at his success.

Question 5:
a) What was the boy’s state of mind when he told his father that he threw away the gun?
b) Do you agree with what the boy did? Why or why not?

a) When the boy told his father that he threw the gun, his state of mind was in anger and he decided never to use the gun again to shoot the bird.
b) Yes, what the boy did was correct. We shouldn’t kill any bird or animal for our entertainment rather we should protect them.

Question 6: At first the man got very angry with his son for throwing the gun away. His anger then changed to relief. Why do you think this happened?
This had happened because the man finally realized that his son was against killing and hunting of innocent birds and animals for pleasure which is unethical. His son’s superior sense of ethical values impressed him a lot that subsided his anger and provided him a sense of relief.

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