Gul Mohar English Class 6 Chapter - 3 The Starting Point

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 3 The Starting Point

Writer of the story - Milkha Singh
Question and Answers

Question 1: What was the big treat that Milkha Singh look forward to? Why does he call it a “big treat”?
The big treat that Milkha Singh look forward to was a glass of milk. He called it a big treat because he belonged to a poor family and did not get the opportunity in his childhood to drink milk.

Question 2: Luck was with me that day… Do you think it was merely luck that held Milkha Singh that day? Why or why not?
No, it was not merely luck that helped Milkha Singh on that day. He gave his best shot and tried hard to run very fast, and then rested while and finally finished the race in the sixth position.

Question 3: Who was Gurudev? Why was Milkha Singh so grateful for him?
Havaldar Gurudev Singh was the instructor of the new recruits in the Indian Army like Milkha Singh in the Indian Army who had been with the army for about fifteen years. Milkha Singh grateful to his instructor, Gurudev, as he strongly believes that Gurudev’s hard training motivated him to become world-class athlete. Gurudev, too was very good runner and his true sportsman’s spirit inspired Milkha Singh to be become famous sprinter.

Question 4: So, running a quarter mile was far too easy… Why did the speaker find it so easy to run a quarter mile? Why then did he continue to train hard? What did this practice help him achieve?
The speaker found it easy to run a quarter mile as he was used to run 6-mile every day. He continued to train hard because he was asked to take part in Brigade Meet in Hyderabad which determined him more to become a good athlete. His hard practice helped him to complete 400 meters in less than a minute. 

Question 5: They had an air of power and prestige about them. Who was the speaker talking about? Why did these people have an air of power and prestige about them?
The speaker was talking about the athlete who wore vests with “India” written on them in bold letters. These Indians athletes had the privileges of representing their country before the world in sports and games. These people had an air of power and prestige about them because they had represented India in International Sporting Event. 

Question 6: What “rule of thumb” did Milkha Singh follow in practicing for the 400 meter race? Why did he tell it a “rule of thumb”?
In practicing for the 400 meters race Milkha Singh followed the “rule of thumb” which meant running one round at the highest possible speed followed by another one after a rest for a while. He called it a “rule of thumb” because still then he didn’t know the correct technique needed to run 400 meter.

Question 7: How did Milkha Singh’s meeting with Brigadier S.P. Vohra change his life? What, in your opinion, could have made Brigadier SP Vohra take those decisions to help Milkha Singh?
One night while doing his regular practice Milkha Singh was spotted by the Brigadier S.P. Vohra for his unusual practice timings. Milkha Singh’s truthfulness and hard efforts pleased S.P. Vohra and from the very next day he was freed from the fatigue, a nutritious diet and a special attention for his grooming to provide him more time to continue his regular practice without any problem. In this way, Milkha Singh’s meeting with Brigadier S.P. Vohra changed his life dramatically. Milkha Singh’s dedication and hard work towards his dream of world-class athlete pleased the Brigadier S.P. Vohra greatly and he took those decisions to help Milkha Singh achieve his goal.

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