Gul Mohar English Class 8 Chapter - 7 Gogol's First Day

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 7 Gogol's First Day

Writer of the story - Jhumpa Lahiri
Question and Answers
Question 1: Why was Gogol’ unhappy about the new name given to him?
Gogol didn’t want himself to be called as Nikhil. He is afraid to be Nikhil - someone he doesn’t know him and who doesn’t know him. It shows that in Gogol’s mind, a new name is a new person different from him. He did not want to look himself as stranger.

Question 2: Gogol’s parents try to remove the boy’s fear by
a) teaching him something
b) making a promise

a) Gogol’s parents tried to convince him that every Bengali has two names-one good name and one nickname. On seeing Gogol’s hesitation they tried him teaching his new name on a paper and asked him to copy his name over ten times for him so that he gets used to the new name that was Nikhil.
b) The parents promised him that they will always call him Gogol at home.

Question 3: What shows that the principal at first thinks the boy is just nervous and tries to win his confidence?
The principal thinks that the boy is nervous because he clutches his father's hand and does not respond to the questions asked by the principal. To win his confidence, she bends down, so that her face is levelled with his and puts her hand over his shoulder to assure him that he need not be afraid.

Question 4: How did Ashoke try to show the principal that Gogol is bilingual? What does he, in doing that, reveal to the principal?
When Mrs. Lapidus asked the questions Gogol did not respond. She got a doubt whether Gogol follows English or not. To prove that Gogol is bilingual, Ashoke speaks in accented English. So, he doesn't respond. So he addressed him in Bengali. By doing so he reveals Nikhil’s real name as Gogol to the principal.

Question 5: When does Gogol begin to speak to the principal - after his father has left or before? What do you think that shows?
Gogol begins to speak to the principal after his father left. As he felt uncomfortable to answer the questions in front of his father. It shows that he preferred being called by his real name. Gogol a name with which he identified himself. It also shows that he was afraid to answer in front of his father and how badly he wanted to be called Gogol.

Question 6: Can you guess from para 35 what little Gogol found especially interesting in school?
The art class is Gogol’s favourite class in the school. During these favourite hours of the week, he carved his name with paper clips into the bottom of clay bowls and cups. He stuck uncooked pasta on cardboards and made sure to leave a signature in fat brush strokes below his paintings.

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