NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 - Understanding Marginalisation

Chapter 7 - Understanding Marginalisation

Question 1: Explain at least three different reasons why groups may be marginalised.
The three different reasons why groups may be marginalised are:
• They speak languages which are different from that of the majority of people.
• Their customs and traditions are different.
• They have low levels of literacy.

Question 2: Describe various reasons that forced adivasis to move from their lands.
Various reason are given below
• More than 50% of adivasis got displaced due to the mines and mining projects.
• Huge tracts of adivasis lands have gone under the waters of hundred dams that have been built in independent India.
• India has 104 National parks and 543 wildlife sanctuaries covering 118918 km². These are areas where tribal originally lived but were evicted from.

Question 3: What is Ghettoisation?

• A ghetto is an area or locality that is populated largely by members of a particular community. Ghettoisation refers to the process that leads to such a situation.
• This may occur due to various social, cultural and economic reasons. Fear or hostility may also compel a community to group together as they feel more secure living amongst their own.
• Often a ‘ghettoised’ community has few options of moving out, which may lead to them becoming alienated from the rest of the society.

Question 4: What were the hardships faced by the Adivasis?
Hardships faced by the Adivasis
• Forest lands have been cleared for timber and to get land for agriculture and industry.
• Adivasis have also lived in areas that are rich in minerals and other natural resources. These are taken over for mining and other large industrial projects.
• Huge tracts of their lands have also gone under the waters of hundreds of dams that have been built in independent India.
• In the North east, their lands remain highly militarised and war-torn.
• India has 54 national parks and 372 wildlife sanctuaries. These are areas where tribals originally lived but were evicted from.
• Losing their lands and access to the forest means that tribals lose their main sources of livelihood and food.
• Adivasis have migrated to cities in search of work where they are employed for very low wages in local industries or at building or construction sites.
• They, thus, get caught in a cycle of poverty and deprivation.

Question 5: What happened to Adivasis when they lost the access to their traditional homelands?
Losing their lands and access to the forest means that tribals lose their main sources of livelihood and food.
• Many Adivasis have migrated to cities in search of work where they are employed for very low wages in local industries or at building or construction sites.
• They, thus, get caught in a cycle of poverty and deprivation. 45 per cent of tribal groups in rural areas and 35 per cent in urban areas live below the poverty line.
• This leads to deprivation in other areas. Many tribal children are malnourished.
• Literacy rates among tribals are also very low.

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