Kips Class 8 IT Beans Chapter 10 Understanding HTML

Chapter 10 Understanding HTML

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. <BR> tag breaks the line and displays the text from the next line.
2. There are six heading levels in HTML.
3. <P> tag is used to start a new paragraph.
4. <P align = 'Right'> attribute of the paragraph tag is used to align the paragraph right side.
5. <BODY BGCOLOR> tag is used to change the background colour of the web page.
6. .html is the extension of HTML document.
7. The closing tag includes a forward slash.
8. Tags are also known as Elements.

B. State True or False:
1. The <BR> tag has a corresponding closing tag. (False)
Correct Answer:
The <BR> tag does not has a corresponding closing tag.
2. The <TITLE> tag is given inside the <BODY> tag. (False)
Correct Answer:
The <TITLE> tag is given inside the <HEAD> tag.
3. Top margin attribute is given within the <BODY> tags. (True)
4. There are four heading levels available in HTML. (False)
Correct Answer: There are six heading levels available in HTML.
5. The syntax to change the font colour is <FONTCOLOR = Colour Name or Code>. (True)
6. Empty element has both On and Off tag. (False)
Correct Answer:
Empty element contain only On tag.
7. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (True)
8. An HTML file can be saved with any extension. (False)
Correct Answer:
An HTML file can be saved with .html or .htm extension.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Rashmi has made a web page using HTML. She has saved this file as a text document, but cannot view it through the browser. Help her to rectify the error.
Rashmi should save the web page with .html or .htm extension so that she can view it through the browser.

2. Bharti wants to set the background colour for her HTML document. Which tag would you suggest her to use in order to accomplish this task?
Bharti should use <BODY BGCOLOR = "color name/code"> to set the background colour for her HTML document.

3. Aashima has created a project in HTML. She wants to show each sentence of her project from a new line. Suggest her the tag, which she can use to perform this task.
Aashima should use <br> tag to perform the task.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. _________________ element is used to emphasise the text.
a) Underline
b) Bold
c) Italic
b) Bold

2. _____________ tag breaks the line and displays the text from the next line.
a) BG
b) BK
c) BR
c) BR

3. Tags are of ___________ types.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
b) Two

4. Font Style tags are also known as ______________.
a) Physical makeup
b) Hyperlink
c) Physical markup
c) Physical markup

5. HTML is an improved version of ___________________.

6. Which of the following tag displays the text in italic?
a) <B>
b) <I>
c) <U>
b) <I>

E. Answer the following:
1. What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. HTML is a complete code package that allows a user to create web pages. It includes text and graphics. You can add links to your web pages. 

2. What do you understand by tags? How many types of tags are there?
A tag is a piece of code, which acts as a label that a web browser interprets. It instructs a web browser what to display and how to display. A complete tag having an opening <tag> and a closing </tag> is known as element. The HTML tags are of two types: Container tags, and Empty tags.

3. Differentiate between Container tag and Empty tag.

• Container tags: A tag is opened using opening angle brackets <> and closed using closing brackets </>. These tags include both ON and OFF tags. Example: <HTML> and </HTML>
• Empty tags: Empty tags contain only ON tag, they don’t have OFF tag. These tags do not enclose any data, instead they function on their own. Example: <BR>

4. What do you understand by attributes in HTML?
An attribute is a property that provides additional information about an HTML elements. Attributes always specified in the opening tag. All attributes consist of two parts: a name and a value. 

5. Explain the Paragraph tag and its attributes.
The Paragraph tag offers a way to structure the text into different paragraphs. Each paragraph of text should be given between opening <p> and closing </p> tags. Various attributes of a paragraph elements are:
• <P>: Starts a new paragraph
• <P Align='Center'>: Aligns the text to the center
• <P Align='Right'>: Aligns the text to the right
• <P Align='Left'>: Aligns the text to the left
• <P Align='Justify'> Aligns the text evenly between both left and right margins

6. What is the significance of BGCOLOR attribute of <BODY> tag?
This attribute is used to change the background colour of the web page. Syntax: <BODY BGCOLOR="COLOR NAME or COLOR CODE">

7. What is the significance of <BR> tag?
Anything written after <BR> tag breaks the line and displays the text from the next line, without giving space between two lines. It should be given at the end of the line after which a new line is required. Syntax: <BR>

8. Which tags are used to apply the bold, underline, and italics properties to the text?
The <B> tag is used to bold to the text. The <U> tag is used to underline the text. The <I> tag is used to italics the text.

9. Which attributes of <BODY> tags are used to set margins in a web page?
Margin attribute of <BODY> tags are used to set margins in a web page. Syntax: <BODY MARGIN= "VALUE">

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