Kips Class 8 IT Beans Chapter 11 Using List and Creating a Table

Chapter 11 Using List and Creating a Table

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Tables arrange data in rows and columns.
2. Table tag is used to create a table.
3. Width attribute specifies the width of border of a table.
4. Cell Padding creates a distance between the edge of the cell and the contents of the cell.
5. Hyperlink is a highlighted text or image that stores the address of some web page or a document.
6. Each row within a table begins with the <TR> tag.

B. State True or False:
1. The align attribute is used to specify the alignment of a table. (True)
2. The default value for both Cell Padding and Cell Spacing is 4. (False)
Correct Answer:
The default value for both Cell Padding and Cell Spacing is 2.
3. The IMG SRC is an empty element. (True)
4. Ordered list automatically starts with the number 1. (True)
5. A Marquee displays a moving text message on the background. (True)
6. <AHRFE> tag is used to create a hyperlink. (False)
Correct Answer:
<A> tag is used to create a hyperlink.
7. The default border colour of a table is red. (False)
Correct Answer:
The default border colour of a table is black.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Vikram is creating a project in HTML. He wants to insert the hyperlinks in it, but he does not know how to do this. Suggest him the tag, which fulfils this particular requirement.
Vikram should <A> (Anchor) tag to insert the hyperlinks in it.

2. Rajesh wants to display the contents of his project in a sequential manner. Suggest him the tag, which he can use to do the same.
Rajesh should use <OL> tag to display the contents of his project in a sequential manner.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which tag is used to create an ordered list?
a) <OL>
b) <UL>
c) <LI>
a) <OL>

2. Which attribute is used to set the border color of a table?
a) Bordercolor
b) CellSpacing
c) Border
a) Bordercolor

3. Which attribute is used to change the style of bullets in a list?
a) Disc
b) Type
c) Square
b) Type

4. Which tag is used to end an unordered list?
a) </UL>
b) </LI>
c) </OL>
a) </UL>

5. Which attribute is used to set the background colour of a row?

6. What is the default bullet type for <UL> tag?
a) Square
b) Disc
c) Circle
b) Disc

E. Answer the following:
1. Define the term Table. What are its uses?
Tables arrange data in rows and columns format and provide an attractive format and provide an attractive way to organise information. Tables are created to present information or data in a comprehensive manner and make comparative analysis of data.

2. What is the significance of <TR> and <TD> tags in a table?
Each row in a table begins with the <TR> table row tag, and ends with the </TR> tag. The column contain cell, each of which begins with the <TD> table data tag and ends with </TD> tag.

3. Differentiate between Cell Padding and Cell Spacing.

• Cell padding: This attribute sets the margins within a cell. It creates a space between the edge of the cell (cell wall) and the contents of the cell. It is a pixel space inside the cells.
• Cell spacing: This attribute is used to specify the minimum distance between two adjacent cells. Cell spacing is measured in the number of pixels between the table cells.

4. What is the difference between BORDERCOLOR and BGCOLOR attributes?

• BORDERCOLOR: This attribute is used to specify the colour of a table. The default colour of the border is gray, but we can change it by assigning a different color name or color code to this attribute.
• BGCOLOR: This attribute is used to set the background color of a table. The default color of the background is gray. We can change it by defining color name or hexadecimal code.

5. How will you create a link on a web page?
To create a hyperlink, <A> (Anchor) tag is used. The HREF attribute of the <A> tag stores the reference (address) of the document that is to be linked. The text that appears on the hyperlink is enclosed between the starting tag <A> and ending tag </A>.

6. Differentiate between Ordered and Unordered list.
Ordered List is used to display the list of items in a specific order. Ordered list automatically starts with the number 1. We can change the style using the Type attribute. Unordered List is used when the items are not to be displayed in any particular sequence. The default bullet type for most web browsers is disc before the list of items. The list begins and ends with <UL> and </UL> tags respectively.

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