Kips Class 9 AI Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills (Components of Computer System)

Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills (Components of Computer System)

Assessment Time
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. A CPU does not consist of _________________.
a) ALU
b) HDD
c) CU
d) MU
b) HDD

2. One Tera Byte is equal to _______________.
a) 1024 Mega Byte
b) 1024 Giga Byte
c) 1024 Peta Byte
d) 1024 Kilo Byte
b) 1024 Giga Byte

3. Which of these is not a peripheral device?
a) Register
b) Modem
c) Bluetooth
d) Printer
a) Register

4. Control Unit is also called the ______________ of a computer.
a) Central digestive system
b) Central respiratory system
c) Central processing system
d) Central nervous system
d) Central nervous system

B. State True or False:
1. A microprocessor chip contains millions of transistors. (True)
2. The output can only be in the form of a hardcopy. (False)
Correct Answer:
The output can only be in the form of a hardcopy or softcopy.
3. The speed of a CPU is determined by the number of instructions it executes per second. (True)
4. AC, DR, AR and PC are types of Registers. (True)
5. The printed information on the paper is called a soft copy. (False)
Correct Answer:
The printed information on the paper is called a hard copy.

C. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is the function of a CPU?
CPU is the main unit of a computer. It controls all the internal and external devices of a computer and performs arithmetic and logical operations.

2. What are the components of a CPU? Explain them briefly.
Components of a CPU are
• Arithmetic and Logical Units (ALU): It is the component of CPU, which performs the arithmetic and logical operations on the operands.
• Control Unit (CU): This unit controls the operation of every other component of a computer system. It also controls the transfer of data and instructions among the various units of a computer.
• Memory Unit (MU): The memory unit is the principal storage of the computer. It stores both data and instructions.

3. What is a Register? Name some of them.
A register is a very small data holding place in a computer processor. It holds an instruction, storage address or data. Some of the commonly used registers are Accumulator (AC), Data Register (DR), Address Register (AR), Program Control (PC).

4. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

• Random Access Memory (RAM)
→ RAM is used to hold active information of data and instructions. Information in RAM is stored in random order that is why it is known as Random Access Memory.
→ It is a temporary memory. When power supply is switched off, the information stored in RAM is lost, so it is also known as volatile memory.
→ It is also known as read/write memory as information can be read from RAM and also written onto it. Information stored in RAM may be erased or written over.
• Read Only Memory (ROM)
→ ROM is a part of computer’s main memory. It is used to store the instructions provided by the manufacturer to check basic hardware and to load operating system from appropriate storage device.
→ The storage of data and instructions in ROM is permanent until it is written over.
→ The contents of the ROM are not lost when power supply is switched off. That is why, ROM is called non-volatile memory.

5. What are the various units of memory?
The various units of memory are
• Nibble
• Byte
• Kilo Byte
• Mega Byte
• Giga Byte
• Tera Byte
• Peta Byte

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