Kips Class 8 Cyber Beans Chapter 4 Working With Queries

Chapter 4 Working With Queries

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A query is a database object that helps us to retrieve and view information from one or more database tables.
2. In a query, the criteria property is used to set the condition on the basis of which the records are filtered.
3. We can set multiple criteria in a query using Or property.
4. Sort property is used to filter the data either in an ascending or descending order.
5. The bottom pane of the Select Query window displays the design grid.
6. A report is an effective way to organise and summarise data in a printed form.

B. State True or False:
1. The queries help us to retrieve information from one or more tables that meet a specific condition. (True)
2. A report is created exactly in the same way as Forms are created. (True)
3. To specify multiple criteria, ‘Or’ property is used. (True)
4. We cannot run a query without saving it. (False)
Correct Answer:
We can run a query without saving it.
5. The Sort property is used to filter the data either in an ascending order or descending order. (True)
6. A Relationship works by matching a field with the same name in two tables. (True)
7. Once a relationship is set, it cannot be deleted. (False)
Correct Answer:
Once a relationship is set, it can be deleted.
8. The Form view is used to change the structure of your form. (False)
Correct Answer:
The form view is used to enter, edit and view data.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Swati created a database of her classmates and has entered 30 records in it. The teacher has asked her to show the data of those who have scored less than 50% marks. Suggest her the method to apply this criterion.
She has to specify ‘<50’ in the Criteria row of the Design grid so as to display the names of the students who have scored less than 50% marks.

2. Johnson & Johnson company has a huge database of employees. The company wants to maintain the privacy of each employee and has given the instructions to the computer operators to update each record, one at a time. Which database object should they use to perform this task?
Johnson & Johnson company should use forms to perform this task as forms allow to add and update data in one record at a time in a table.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which Query allows addition, deletion, updation, and appending operations on data?
a) Select query
b) Action query
c) Cross query
b) Action query

2. Which query prompts you for input before it runs?
a) Cross tab query
b) Parameter query
c) Select query
b) Parameter query

3.Which option is used to change the appearance and size of various controls of a form?
a) Design View
b) Form View
c) Layout View
a) Design View

4. Which one of the following is not a type of Query?
a) Select
b) Cross-tab
c) Design
c) Design

5. How many views does Access provide to display a form?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
b) Three

6. Which key defines a relationship between two tables?
a) Primary key
b) Candidate key
c) Secondary key
a) Primary key

E. Answer the following:
1. What is Query?
A query is like a simple question that one asks to find specific information from the database. Queries are made on tables and the results are displayed in the form of a table, i.e., in a group of rows and columns with the set of records that match the given condition.

2. Explain the parts of a Query window.
The Query window has two panes: Top and Bottom. The top pane displays the table selected for the query while the bottom pane displays the Design Grid.

3. What do you understand by Criteria?
Criteria are the conditions on the basis of which the records are filtered in the Query output.

4. How many types of Queries are there in MS Access?
Microsoft Access provides various types of queries: Select, Parameter, Cross-tab, Action and SQL (Structured Query Language) query.

5. Differentiate between Select and Parameter query.
Select query retrieves data from one or more table and displays the record set in a datasheet, whereas, Parameter query prompts you for input and uses that input as criteria that control the result.

6. What is a Form? Briefly explain its use.
A form is an Access object that allows the user to add and update data in one record at a time in a table. Data can be easily inserted, updated, and deleted from a table using a Form. If you change a record in a form, it will be reflected in a table also.

7. What is a Report? How will you print a Report?
Report is an effective way to organise and summarize data for viewing or printing. It can be created exactly in the same way as we create a form. To print a Report, select the File tab and then click on Print > Print Preview option button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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