Kips Class 9 AI Unit 2: Self-Management Skills (Importance of Self-Management)

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills (Importance of Self-Management)

Assessment Time
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The ‘S’ in SMART strategy stands for ________.
a) Short
b) Specific
c) Schedule
d) Systematic
b) Specific

2. A _______ target informs you whether you are progressing at the right pace or not.
a) Defined
b) Time-bound
c) Schedule-bound
d) Accountable
b) Time-bound

3. _______ skill is the ability to use your time, energy and resources effectively to achieve goals.
a) Organisation
b) Scheduling
c) Accountability
d) Time management
a) Organisation

4. It is important to prepare a ___________ to accommodate the planned tasks and other activities.
a) Schedule
b) Date-sheet
c) Planning
d) Task-sheet
a) Schedule

5. A ______ attitude helps one to focus on the possible solutions.
a) Good
b) Problem-centred
c) Time-bound
d) Solution-centred
d) Solution-centred

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Organisation skill is the ability to use your time, energy and resources effectively to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
2. Being accountable means being responsible for your actions.
3. The avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished is called procrastination.
4. The mind-set that helps us to focus on the possible solutions is called solution-centred attitude.
5. Initiative means doing the right thing without being told what to do.

C. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What do you understand by the term Management?
Management is the art of planning, organising, directing and controlling the resources and task, effectively and efficiently to achieve a goal.

2. Mention the three key skills required for Self-management. Describe each one briefly.
Self-management comprises three key skills - Initiative, Organisation and Accountability.
• Initiative means identifying a problem and working to solve a problem without being told what to do.
• Organisation skill is the ability to use your time, energy and resources in an effective way to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. It includes defining tasks, managing time, and preparing and sticking to schedule.
• Accountability means holding yourself answerable for the completion of the task. It involves avoiding procrastination, adopting a solution-centred attitude, managing your emotions and coping with distress.

3. What does the acronym SMART stands for?
SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. It is a strategy for setting and defining targets to help achieve the final goal.

4. List any three characteristics used to assess time-management skills.
Following are the characteristics that indicate poor time-management skills - missing appointments, not knowing how long it takes me to complete a task, and forgetting tasks.

5. What are the strategy to avoid procrastination?
Following are some of the strategies that help in avoiding procrastination:
• Acknowledge procrastination.
• Make and display to-do list in the work area.
• Schedule harder tasks before the enjoyable tasks.
• Reward yourself for completing task in a timely manner.

D. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is self-management? How is it different from management?
Self-management is managing yourself to achieve a goal that you have set for yourself by regulating your actions, organising your time and being accountable for your decisions. However, management is the art of planning, organising, directing and controlling the resources and task, effectively and efficiently to achieve a goal.

2. Discuss the importance for devising a realistic and time-bound plan.

• Realistic plan: Devise a realistic plan. For example, rather than saying, ‘I will devote 8 hours to my studies after school everyday’, a more realistic goal may be to say, ‘I will study 3-4 hours regularly’.
• Time-bound: A time-bound target informs you whether you are progressing at a right pace or not. For example, rather than saying, ‘I will complete this chapter’ a time-bound target would be, ‘I will finish this chapter by 8 pm’.

3. The chapter mentions ‘measurable’ as part of the SMART strategy. What do you understand by it? How do you measure your progress?
A goal without measurable outcome is like a sports competition without a scoreboard. Make your progress measurable. For example, rather than saying, ‘I will speed up my learning’, a more measurable target would be, ‘I will solve 20 Math problems in 2 hours’. 

4. What is the importance of self-management? Explain briefly.
Importance of self-management
• Makes you more organised: While planning your schedule, you learn the vital skill of organising and allocating all your resources.
• Instills discipline: When you make a schedule and complete task in limited time, you reject unimportant tasks because undertaking any unscheduled activity would mean cancelling the scheduled plan and failing to achieve a target.
• Helps in attaining goals: If you make a schedule and follow it in disciplined way, you will be able to attain your goals.
• Enhances self-confidence: When you set goals and achieve them, which give you the confidence to pursue more significant and more challenging goals. Self-confidence gives you the courage to take the initiative wherever there is an opportunity.
• Commands respect from others: When people around you, watch you performing to achieve good results, they start respecting you. Also, your peers get inspired by you.

5. Discuss any three strategies of Organisation Skill that you would like to apply in your life. How do you hope to benefit from them?

• Identify and define specific goals: To achieve a goal, it is important to clearly define your goal.
• Break down goals into smaller tasks: To achieve bigger goals, it is essential to break them into smaller, actionable tasks.
• Time-management: It refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to right activity.

E. Application Based Questions:
1. Sumit always complains about not having enough time to finish his homework. He wonders how others are able to finish their homework and still have time for hobbies. Suggest him a few tips to manage his time effectively.
Few tips that he should to manage his time effectively: Planning, Estimate time required for each task, Prioritise and Schedule, Learn to say ‘No’ and Spending the right time on right activities.

2. Aarti has volunteered to make a project for the inter-school science competition. The competition is a month away, and she has not even started working on the project. Suggest her some steps to be accountable and finish the project in time.
Some steps she has to follow to be accountable and finish the project in time: Avoiding Procrastination, Adopting solution-centred attitude, managing your own emotion, coping with distress.

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