Gul Mohar Class 7 English Writing Skills - Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch

What is a Biographical Sketch?
A bio-sketch or a biographical sketch is a brief write up that to summarize a person’s life, achievements, character, experiences, etc. It is a short description highlighting the main traits of the personality of the chosen subject.
The aim of a bio-sketch is large to present a positive picture of the person concerned.
It is advisable to present all the information in chronological order

Biographical Sketch Format:
The main points that need to be incorporated while writing a bio-sketch are:
•    Full name, date of birth/age, place of birth
•    Major personality traits
•    Educational details highlighting any major achievements or awards
•    His/Her contribution to society
•    Any special interest
•    Why is he/she famous or known for?
•    Special awards and recognitions be mentioned.
•    A biographical sketch is always written in the third person

Coherence, accuracy and fluency should be maintained.
It should be short and precise with word limit - 100 - 150 words.
Emphasize on portraying a person in an admirable manner

In short, the writer should be able to paint a pen portrait of the subject and convince the reader that the person was unique and worth reading about.

Example: On the basis of the information provided in the box below, write a short bio-sketch of Abraham Lincoln.
Born: 1809 in Northern Kentucky
Family: Father- wealthy farmer, lost his land when Lincoln was 7, moved to Indiana
Mother- died when he was nine, family moved to Illinois soon after
Education: Little formal education, loved to read. Studied law by reading law books - became a lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois
Political Career: began early- served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of
Representative: Gifted Speaker, speeches against slavery, nomination for Presidency - won in 1860. Re elected in 1864
Death: assassinated by John Wilks Booth on April 15, 1865. Remembered for wisdom, compassion, patriotism

In 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born to a wealthy farmer family in Northern Kentucky. When he was 7 years old, his father lost his farming land and the family moved to Indiana. At the age of nine years old, after his mother passed away, his family moved to Illinois for livelihood.  Abraham had little formal education, but had a strong interest in books and learning. He studied law books as his own and started his career as lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois. He soon moved into politics and served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was a talented orator. In his speeches, he talked about abolition of slavery. Finally he was nominated and became the president in 1860. In 1864 he was re-elected as president. He was shot by John Wilks Booth on April 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln is often remembered for his wisdom, compassion and patriotism that led led him to the nation's highest office.


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