NCERT Class 9 Civics Chapter 4 - Working of Institutions

Chapter 4 - Working of Institutions

Question 1: Why do we need political institutions?
To attend various tasks several arrangements are made in all modern democracies. Such arrangements are called institutions. We need political institutions:
• for ensuring security to the citizens and providing facilities for education and health to all.
• collects taxes and spends the money thus raised on administration, defense, and development programmes.
• formulates and implements several welfare schemes.
• If disputes arise on these decisions or in their implementation, there should be someone to determine what is right and what is wrong.

Question 2: What do you mean by parliament? Why do we need it?
In all democracies, an assembly of elected representatives exercises supreme political authority on behalf of the people. In India such a national assembly of elected representatives is called Parliament. We need parliament because
• Parliament is the final authority for making laws in any country. This task of law making or legislation is so crucial that these assemblies are called legislatures. Parliaments all over the world can make new laws, change existing laws, or abolish existing laws and make new ones in their place.
• Parliaments all over the world exercise some control over those who run the government. In some countries like India this control is direct and full. Those who run the government can take decisions only so long as they enjoy support of the Parliament.
• Parliaments control all the money that governments have. In most countries any the public money can be spent only when the Parliament sanctions it.
• Parliament is the highest forum of discussion and debate on public issues and national policy in any country. Parliament can seek information about any matter.

Question 3: Differentiate between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

• Lok Sabha
→ Lok Sabha is known as the house of the people (Lower chamber).
→ Tenure of Lok Sabha is 5 years.
→ Money bills can only be introduced in Lok Sabha.
→ Maximum strength is 543.
→ Lok Sabha is chaired by the Speaker.
• Rajya Sabha
→ Rajya Sabha is also known as the council of states (Upper chamber).
→ Tenure of Rajya Sabha is 6 years for each member but one-third of its members retire every two years. So, it is a permanent house.
→ Rajya Sabha cannot introduce money bill.
→ Maximum strength is 250.
→ Rajya Sabha is chaired by Vice President.

Question 4: How can you say that Lok Sabha is more powerful than Rajya Sabha?
Lok Sabha is more powerful than Rajya Sabha because of the following reasons:
• Any ordinary law needs to be passed by both the Houses. But if there is a difference between the two Houses, the final decision is taken in a joint session in which members of both the Houses sit together. Because of the larger number of members, the view of the Lok Sabha is likely to prevail in such a meeting.
• Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. Once the Lok Sabha passes the budget of the government or any other money related law, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can only delay it by 14 days or suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may not accept these changes.
• Most importantly, the Lok Sabha controls the Council of Ministers. Only a person who enjoys the support of the majority of the members in the Lok Sabha is appointed the Prime Minister. If the majority of the Lok Sabha members say they have ‘no confidence’ in the Council of Ministers, all ministers including the Prime Minister, have to quit. The Rajya Sabha does not have this power.

Question 5: Differentiate between political and permanent executives.

• Political Executives
→ They are elected by the people for a specific period.
→ They remain in the office as long as they have the confidence of majority of MPs.
→ They are more powerful and take all the final decisions.
→ They are answerable to the people for all the consequences of their decisions.
→ Example: PM, Cabinet Ministers, etc.
• Permanent Executives
→ They are appointed on basis of merits (civil service examination) on a long term basis.
→ They remain in the office even when the ruling party changes. Their tenure of office is fixed.
→ They are less powerful than the political executives. They assist them in carrying out day to day administration.
→ They are not directly answerable to the people.
→ Example: IAS, IPS, Civil Servants etc.

Question 6: Why is political executive more powerful than permanent executives?
Political Executive is more powerful than permanent executive because
• The minister is an elected representative of the people and thus empowered to exercise the will of the people on their behalf.
• She is finally answerable to the people for all the consequences of her decision. That is why the minister takes all the final decisions.
• The minister decides the overall framework and objectives in which decisions on policy should be made.
• The minister is not, and is not expected to be, an expert in the matters of her ministry. The minister takes the advice of experts on all technical matters.

Question 7: Write in brief about the following:
a) Cabinet Ministers
b) Minister of State with independent charge
c) Minister of State

• Cabinet Ministers are usually top-level leaders of the ruling party or parties who are in charge of the major ministries.
• Usually the Cabinet Ministers meet to take decisions in the name of the Council of Ministers.
• Cabinet is thus the inner ring of the Council of Ministers. It comprises about 20 ministers.

b) Ministers of State with independent charge are usually in-charge of smaller Ministries. They participate in the Cabinet meetings only when specially invited.

c) Ministers of State are attached to and required to assist Cabinet Ministers.

Question 8: Who appoints the Prime Minister? Describe the powers of Prime Minister.
There is no direct election to the post of Prime Minister. The President appoints the Prime Minister. The President appoints the leader of the majority party or the coalition of parties that commands a majority in the Lok Sabha as Prime Minister. Powers:
• As head of the government, the Prime Minister has wide ranging powers.
• He chairs Cabinet meetings.
• He coordinates the work of different Departments.
• His decisions are final in case disagreements arise between Departments.
• He exercises general supervision of different ministries.
• All ministers work under his leadership.
• The Prime Minister distributes and redistributes work to the ministers.
• He also has the power to dismiss ministers.
• When the Prime Minister quits, the entire ministry quits.

Question 9: Differentiate between presidential and parliamentary form of government.

• Presidential form of government
→ The President is the head of the state and head of the government.
→ President is directly elected by the people.
→ Legislature and Executive are separate in presidential form of government.
→ The President tenure is fixed and completes it even if his party does not have a majority.
→ Example: United States
• Parliamentary form of government
→ The President is the head of the state and Prime Minister is the head of the government.
→ The President is indirectly elected by the MPs and MLAs.
→ Legislature and Executive are connected in parliamentary form of government.
→ The Prime Minister may have to leave if he does not get a majority.
→ Example: India

Question 10: What do you mean by an independent and integrated judiciary?

• Independent judiciary
→ Independence of the judiciary means that it is not under the control of the legislature or the executive.
→ The judges do not act on the direction of the government or according to the wishes of the party in power.
→ The judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and in consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
→ There is very little scope for interference by the political executive.
→ Once a person is appointed as judge of the Supreme Court or the High Court it is nearly impossible to remove him or her from that position.

• Integrated judiciary
→ The Indian judiciary consists of a Supreme Court for the entire nation, High Courts in the states, District Courts and the courts at local level.
→ India has an integrated judiciary. It means the Supreme Court controls the judicial administration in the country.
→ Its decisions are binding on all other courts of the country.
→ It can take up any dispute.
*Between citizens of the country
*Between citizens and government
*Between two or more state governments
*Between governments at the union and state level

Question 11: Explain the function and powers of judiciary.

• The judiciary can take up any dispute
→ Between citizens of the country
→ Between citizens and government
→ Between two or more state government
→ Between government at the Union and State level
• It is the highest court of appeal in civil and criminal cases. It can hear appeals against the decisions of the High Court.
• The Judiciary can determine the constitutional validity of any legislation or action of the executive in the country, when it is challenged before them. This is known as Judicial Review.
• The powers and independence of the Indian Judiciary allow it to act as the guardian of the Fundamental Rights.

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