Kips Class 7 IT Beans Chapter 5 Advanced Features of Excel

Chapter 5 Advanced Features of Excel

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
Chart is an effective way to display data in pictorial form.
Data Series are the bars or slices that show data values.
Legend is a key that is used to identify the colours, patterns or symbol assigned to data series.
Bar chart display data in the form of long rectangular rods.
Value axis is the vertical axis that is used to plot the values.
6. The purpose of grouping worksheets it is to enter common
data, formulas and formatting effects.

B. State True or False:
1. A chart is updated automatically with the change in data. (
2. We cannot modify the chart by changing its colours and patterns. (
Correct Answer: We can modify the chart by changing its colours and patterns.
3. X-Axis is the horizontal axis. (
4. The Chart Area contains the actual chart itself and includes data series, category and value axis as well. (
5. You can change the pattern of data series using Fill option. (
6. All the worksheets cannot be deleted in a workbook. (

C. Application Based Question:
1. Ritu is a student of Class VII. Her geography teacher has asked her to prepare a chart on the population of four Metro cities of India. Suggest her the best suited chart type for her project.
She can use Bar Chart.

2. Tripti has created a chart. She wants to improve the appearance of her chart by changing the background colour of its Plot area. Which option will you suggest her to perform this task?
Tripti can use the Format Plot Area option that comes on right-clicking the plot area.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which feature is used to set a specific result for one cell by adjusting a value in another cell?
a) Grouping Worksheets
b) Legends
c)  Goal Seek

Answer: c) Goal Seek

2. Name the bars or slices that represent the data values on the chart.
a) Data Series
b) Plot Area
c) Legend

Answer: a) Data Series

3. Which chart displays data in the form of a circle?
a) Line
b) Pie
c) Bar

Answer: b) Pie

4. Which function key is used to insert a chart, instantly in a worksheet?
a) F6
b) F8
c) F11

Answer: c) F11

5. Which key is used to group multiple worksheets?
a) Shift
b) Ctrl
c) Enter

Answer: a) Shift

6. Name the special window that displays data, when you insert a chart.
a) Datasheet
b) Database
c) Sheet
a) Datasheet

E. Answer the following:
1. What is a Chart?
Chart is an effective way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw comparisions and analyse the growth, relationship and trends among the values in a range.

2. How is a Column chart diferent from a Bar chart?

Column Chart - It is used to display data in form of vertical bars. It is used to show changes in data over a period of time.
Bar Chart - It displays data in the form of long rectangular rods called bars. A Bar Chart is used to illustrate comparision among the individual items.

3. What is the difference between Chart Area and Plot Area?

Chart Area - The Chart Area includes all the objects and elements in a chart.
Plot Area - Plot Area is a window within the Chart Area. It contains actual chart and includes the plotted data, data series, category axis and value axis.

4. How will you group worksheets?
To group worksheets, hold down CTRL and click the sheet tabs of the sheets you want to group. Release CTRL.

5. What do you understand by the term Data Consolidation?
Data Consolidation refers to combining of data either in the same worksheet or in the other worksheet.

E. Briefly explain the following terms:
Data Series:
Data series are the bars, slices or other elements that represent the data values.
2. Category Name: Category names are the labels, which are displayed on the X and Y-axis.
3. Value Axis: Value axis or Y-axis is the vertical axis used to plot the values. It is located at the left side.
4. Goal Seek: Goal Seek is a wonderful feature for fixing a specific result for one cell by adjusting a value in another cell.


  1. You're helping me a lot.... Please keep posting when school reopens... I'll be very benefited if you continue to post these...

  2. Thanks for the correct answers

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  4. Quality Answers!
    They surely helped me alot in exams! Thanks alot eyeandcontacts.

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  5. What allows us to read chart in an accurate manner
    Please answer for this question

    1. Hello user,

      The answer to your question is: Gridlines. Gridlines make it easier to read and understand the values.

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    2. u helped me in my exam thanks and can u also make question answers on different chappters aswell and thanks again

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  11. please put class 7 chapter 7 review python and chapter 6

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      Actually we've only IT Beans and Artificial Intelligence books' solutions. If you want the answer of particular question or chapter, mail us the question along with textbook pdf at! In future we might plan to post those questions also!

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  14. please send me the answer of this question:-
    what is a container element?

    1. A container element is an HTML tag that is used to group other HTML elements together. It is a layout element that can hold other elements, and is used to arrange and present information in a structured manner. Container tags are generally divided into three parts: opening tag, content (which will display on the browser), and closing tag. In the content part, they can also contain some other tags. These opening and closing tags are used in pairs which are start tag and end tag, which are often called ON and OFF tags.

      Some commonly used container tags are:
      <html>...</html>: This marks the beginning and ending of the webpage and contains all other tags in between these tags which are considered for making a webpage.
      <head>...</head>: This tag is used to define the head part of the document which contains the information related to the webpage.
      <title>...</title>: This tag stores the description of the web page, whatever given in these tags appears on the tab name while opened by the browser. It is described in the head tag.
      <body>...</body>: This tag is used to display all the information or data, i.e, text, images, hyperlinks videos, etc., on the webpage to the user.


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