What is Global Warming?

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the term used to describe the rising average temperature on the Earth. In other words, it’s the process in which the entire planet is heating up. In last century the Earth was warmed by an average of 1°C which might not sound like a significant change but it could have a big impact on people and animals around the globe at present and in future.

It is assumed that by the end of 21st - century global warming is likely to cause an increase in the Earth’s temperature of around 2-5°C. And this change in climate will make our weather more erratic forcing many of the species into extinction and making life much harder.

But what causes global warming? The factors responsible for the change in climate is a phenomenon known as greenhouse effect. The industrial revolution humans have been burning large amounts of fossils fuel such as oil and gas producing huge clouds of carbon dioxide. The gases released into the atmosphere during this process act like an invisible blanket trapping the heat from the Sun and warming the Earth. This is known as the “Greenhouse effect”.

Not only is that deforestation another huge reason for global warming. As we all know trees absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back into it. But sadly many rainforest are being cut down by humans to make furniture, paper and to clear way for roads, oil mines, dams and habitation. So due to a decrease in the number of trees and forests the carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere adding fuel in the fire and warming the globe.

And if this continues there will be severe consequences as a warmer climate could affect our planet in many ways like there will be more rainfall, seasons will be unpredictable, and the sea ice will shrink thus resulting in the rise in sea levels.

How can we stop Global warming and how can we contribute towards saving the planet? You can do this by trying to switch your normal bulb with energy-saving light-bulb, take a walk or bicycle instead of using car for a shorter distance. Always turn off the electrical items when you’re not using them and most importantly recycle and reduce your food wastage. All these little things can make a huge difference.

Did you know, every 40000 years the Earth changes its position and this causes climatic change? Also Earth is still in an Ice Age which started 2.5 million years ago! We’re in an inter-glacial period called Holocene.

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