Gul Mohar English Class 7 Chapter - 6 Zero Hour

Gul Mohar Edition 9 Orient Blackswan

Gul Mohar English Chapter - 6 Zero Hour

Writer of the story - Alexander Blade
Question and Answers
Question 1: What was Bobby’s own space rocket look like? Did he spend time on it with real interest that morning? How can you tell? What was the reason?
Bobby’s own space rocket was six feet long with two seats and a neat instrument panel. No, he did not spend time on his space rocket with much of interest as he was just fussing around it until he was able to slip away without his mother noticing him. He was not interested in his rocket as he had already planned of going to moon in a real rocket that morning and he was very excited about that.

Question 2: How did Bobby come to know what the rocket was for and when it was going to go off? Did he also come to know that his father was going on it? If not, what made him believe that his father was going to?
Bobby did not know that it was a moon rocket. However, one day when he was peeking at the rocket from his hiding place, he heard his father and one another scientist discussing that the rocket was going on moon. He could not understand their conversation completely as they were speaking in low voices. As Bobby’s father was the second biggest scientist of the Buffalo Flats and since the topmost scientist was too old to go on this mission, Bobby assumed that his father would definitely go on this mission to moon.

Question 3: We see Bobby sitting firmly in the rocket. When and where do we see him next? Why was he there instead of inside the rocket?
We can see Bobby lying in his bed at night, when he was woken up by the soft touch of his father. While speaking to his father, Bobby explained that he was already in the rocket and had decided to go to the moon, however, at the last minute he came out thinking about his mother, that she would be all alone if both he and his father travelled on the rocket.

Question 4: Read and answer the questions:
“I think, I’ll go to the moon today”.
a) Who said this to whom? In what context?
Bobby said this to his mother when she asked him his plans for the day.

b) How was it understood by the listener?
The listener (Bobby’s mother) thought that Bobby was talking about going to moon in his toy rocket, hence she took his response jokingly.

c) Did the speaker have a second meaning in mind? If so, what was that meaning?
Yes, the speaker Bobby did have a second meaning in mind when he said this. Bobby had actually planned of going on Moon along with his father in a real rocket and decided to give a hint to his mother through this statement.

Question 5: Read and answer the questions:
“I got into the rocket and was all set…”
a) Who said this to whom and when?
Bobby said this to his father when his father at night asked him, if he too was planning to make a trip to moon.

b) What was meant by the speaker?
The speaker Bobby meant that he had actually planned of travelling to moon by getting into the real rocket.

c) What was understood by the listener?
Bobby’s father, however, assumed that Bobby was referring to his toy rocket and his imaginary mission to the moon travelling in the same rocket.

Question 6: Read and answer the questions:
Children were wonderful! …..What a wonderful dream world they lived in!
a) Who thought this and why?
Bobby’s father John Kendall thought this when Bobby told him that he planned of travelling to the moon in a rocket. Although Bobby was talking about travelling to the moon in a real rocket, however, his father thought of Bobby’s toy rocket and his imaginary mission of travelling to moon, which according to him was a wonderful thought of his dream world.

b) In this situation, who thought that he is wiser - the grown-up or the child? Did he really have the fuller and the better understanding of the situation?
In the situation, the grown-up Bobby’s father thought himself to be wiser. However, he did not have the fuller and the better understanding of the actual situation as he was not aware that Bobby was actually in a real rocket and was about to fly to moon and got down just at the last minute.


  1. what was the rocket meant to do

    1. meant to blow up when it reaches the moon

    2. I like this website this very good for children and either helpfull to me also to refer for exams neet or other you do it best ( but I have request pls put small medium answers don't put big answers that's all thank you so much

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    4. Hi Eye contacts ..I think you should keep an option of copy pasting

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    6. What was the aspect of secrecy maintained throughout the chapter?

    7. Hi Neera,
      In “Zero Hour” by Alexander Blade, secrecy plays a pivotal role. The adults in Buffalo Flats keep their secrets well-guarded, even from their spouses. Top scientists like Dad refrain from discussing classified matters with their wives. The sharp divide between children’s imaginative view of the world and adults’ logical perspective resonates throughout the story, emphasizing the clandestine nature of certain knowledge.

  2. Hi user,
    Your answer to this question is:

    The rocket was going to the moon. Bobby's father John Kendall was going to the moon as Bobby’s father was the second biggest scientist of Buffalo Flats and since the topmost scientist was too old to go on this mission.

  3. why was bobby disappointed?

    1. Hey user,

      Your answer is
      Bobby was dissapointed because his father John Kendall went to project early before he woke up. But then he remembered - This was the big day.

  4. why was bobby disappointed?

    1. Hey user,

      Your answer is
      Bobby was dissapointed because his father John Kendall went to project early before he woke up. But then he remembered - This was the big day.

  5. Who are ‘they’ referred to? Why did the speaker think
    ‘they’ were wonderful ?

    1. 'They' are referred to the children.
      The speaker thought that 'they' were wonderful because they had vivd imagination.

  6. How is zero hour a suitable title for this story?

    1. Hi,
      Your Answer is,
      The story is aptly titled as everything builds up towards the zero hour - a crucial moment when the rocket goes off to the moon, or, more precisely, the moment when Bobby steps off, just before the rocket goes off. The zero hour is the climax; post that moment, the readers are in suspense while they wait to know what happened to Bobby; then there is revelation; and then the reader shares a secret that Bobby knows but his father does not. Bobby is the most important character in the story. He is curious and brave; he is nervous about going to the moon, but decides to go because he thinks it will make his parents proud. He admires his father greatly. He is also a responsible young boy, because he gives up his great plan of flying to the moon with his hero, his father, so that his mother does not have to live alone.

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  7. How is 'Zero Hour' a suitable title for this story?

    pls answer ASAP

    1. bruh just google the meaning of zero hour and then throw something together its not that hard

    2. Hi,
      Actually we couldn't reply to you due to some issue.
      Your Answer is,
      The story is aptly titled as everything builds up towards the zero hour - a crucial moment when the rocket goes off to the moon, or, more precisely, the moment when Bobby steps off, just before the rocket goes off. The zero hour is the climax; post that moment, the readers are in suspense while they wait to know what happened to Bobby; then there is revelation; and then the reader shares a secret that Bobby knows but his father does not. Bobby is the most important character in the story. He is curious and brave; he is nervous about going to the moon, but decides to go because he thinks it will make his parents proud. He admires his father greatly. He is also a responsible young boy, because he gives up his great plan of flying to the moon with his hero, his father, so that his mother does not have to live alone.

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  8. What did the father and the son plan to play the next day? Answer Asap please!

    1. Hi,
      Your Answer is,
      The father, John Kendall, and his son, Bobby, had planned to play some ball.

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  9. What kind of atmosphere does the writter create in bobby's home

  10. What kind of atmosphere does the writer create in Bobby's Home?
    Answer ASAP pls

  11. Hi when Bobby came to home

  12. thank you so much for this notes...without this i would not have any q/a to read :)

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