Kips Class 7 IT Beans Chapter 11 Internet Services

Chapter 11 Internet Services

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A forum is a discussion area on a website where people with common interests can communicate in form of posted messages. 

2. Microblogging is a new form of communication in which users can describe their status in short posts. 
3. A tweet is restricted upto 280 characters. 
4. A signature is an e-mail is a text, which is automatically added to your outgoing mail.  

5. E-mail is a process of sending and receiving text based messages over the Internet. 

6. One Drive is a free online storage facility offered by Microsoft.

B. State True or False:
1. Twitter is an online social networking website. (
2. Pop-ups are extra browser windows for online storage. (False)
Correct Answer: Pop-ups are extra browser windows of commercials that open automatically as you browse the web pages. 
3. Microsoft originally offered 25 GB free storage to OneDrive users. (False)
Correct Answer: Microsoft originally offered 25 GB free storage to SkyDrive users. 
4. The same mail can be sent to many persons by typing their e-mail addresses seperated by semi colons.  (
Correct Answer: The same mail can be sent to many persons by typing their e-mail addresses seperated by commas. 
5. A contact once saved in the contact list cannot be editted. (
Correct Answer: A contact once saved in the contact list can be editted.
6. You can group and store one type of contacts in a group. (

C. Application Based Question:
1. Arjun is a student. He studies in one of the most prestigious boarding schools of Pune. His mother's birthday is approaching next week, and he wants to send her an electronic greeting card. Suggest him some of the e-greeting websites.
 He can send her mother e-greeting card from websites such as,, etc. 

2. Radhika is an aspiring writer. She wants to create an account in a social networking where she can follow some well known writers and receive their messages. Help her choose one of the best online social networking services for this purpose. 
 She can choose these social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. An e-mail address consists of two parts, seperated by ______ symbol. 
a) Dot (.)
b) At (@)
c) Plus (+)

 b) At (@)

2. An e-mail address cannot contain ________
a) Alphabets
b) Spaces
c) Numbers

Answer: b) spaces

3. Pop-up are extra browser windows of commercials that open automatically while browsing web pages. 
a) Add-ups
b) Dialogue Box
c) Pop-ups

Answer: c) Pop-ups

4. _________ is the founder of Twitter. 
a) Jack Dorsey
b) Narayan Murthy
c) Tim Berners-Ler

Answer: a) Jack Dorsey

E. Briefly explain the following terms:
1. Microblogging
 Microblogging is a new form of communication is which users can share their thoughts via short posts distributed by SMS.

2. Internet Forum
 The internet forum refers to a discussion area in a website where people with common interests can communicate in the form of posted messages. 

. OneDrive
 OneDrive, previously known as SkyDrive or Windows Live Sky Drive is a free online storage facility which is offered by Microsoft in which we can store all our photos, videos, documents etc. 

F. Answer the following:
1. What is Cloud Computing? Explain briefly. 
 Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the applications online. Moreover, this technology is making our business applications mobile and collaborative.

2. How will you add a new contact in an address book? 
• Click on the Gmail drop down arrow at the top left panel and select the Contacts option.
• Click on a new contact button in the Contacts window.
• A form will appear. Enter the required information.
• Click on save now tab. The contact detail will be added to the address book.

. Briefly explain the parts of an e-mail address.
 An e-mail address consists of two parts, separated by '@' (at) symbol. An e-mail address cannot contain spaces. 
• User Name: It is the name of a person's account. This can be the actual name of the user, or any other name.
• Domain Name: It is the location of the person's account on the Internet separated by a period (.) and then type of organisation is mentioned.


  1. Really helpful thank you so much Sir/Mam

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  3. Yes it is realy helpfull but some question where not there

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      Thanks for becoming our valued user! Actually we're having only old version of the Kips textbook. If you want the answer of particular question or chapter, mail us the question along with textbook pdf at!
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  4. How will you add an attachment to your e-mail ?

    1. Hey Atharva,

      The answer to your query is:
      • Click on Gmail Compose button at the top left corner to create a new mail to carry the attachment.
      • Enter the details.
      • Click on Attach button which is located at the bottom left to attach.
      • Select the file that you want to attach and click on open. The file will be uploaded.

    from LEO(Bharath)

    1. Welcome! Do share our website with your friends!

  6. How to share one email to all persons

  7. Hi user,
    The BCC is the method which can be used to send emails to multiple recipients at the same time.

    1. Sorry, there are more answers to this question:
      • We can send the same email to many persons by typing their e-mail addresses separated by commas.
      • The Forward option is also used to send any received mail to other e-mail address(es).


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