NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 4 - Growing up as Boys and Girls Extra Questions

Chapter 4 - Growing up as Boys and Girls Extra Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The roles of men and women are:
a) equally valued
b) not equally valued
c) of same status
d) none of these
b) not equally valued

2. Where are the Samoan Islands located?
a) northern part of Pacific Ocean
b) western part of Pacific Ocean
c) southern part of Pacific Ocean
d) eastern part of Pacific Ocean
c) southern part of Pacific Ocean

3. What was the most important activity on an Island of Samoa in 1920s?
a) Fishing
b) Farming
c) Household work
d) None of these
a) Fishing

4. At what age did the boy in Samoa join older boys for learning outdoor jobs?
a) 5 years
b) 9 years
c) 11 years
d) 13 years
b) 9 years

5. What did girls in Samoa learn after the age of fourteen years?
a) How to weave baskets
b) How to grow plantation
c) Special cooking
d) All of these
d) All of these

6. From which class did the girls and boys go to separate school in Madhya Pradesh?
a) Class IV onwards
b) Class VI onwards
c) Class VII onwards
d) Class XI onwards
b) Class VI onwards

7. What were girls given to play while the boys were given cars?
a) Dolls
b) Bus
c) Trucks
d) Trains
a) Dolls

8. Doing household work is work or not?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Option a) and b)
d) None of these
a) Yes

9. Who has the main responsibility of housework across the world?
a) Men
b) Children
c) Women
d) Old people
c) Women

10. What are the total number of work hours (paid) spent by women workers in Haryana every week?
a) 23
b) 40
c) 69
d) 15
a) 23

11. What are the total number of work hours (paid) spent by women workers in Tamil Nadu every week?
a) 23
b) 40
c) 19
d) 15
c) 19

12. ______ means extra or double load.
a) double work
b) double fun
c) double hard work
d) double burden
d) double burden

13. Anganwadis means
a) child-care centres
b) adult-care centres
c) teenagers-care centres
d) old age-care centres
a) child-care centres

Match the following

Answer the following questions:
14. What is the important part of one’s identity? What teaches us the acceptable behaviour?
To be a boy or girl is an important part of one’s identity. The society teaches us the kind of behaviour acceptable for girls and boys. We often grow up thinking that these things are exactly the same everywhere.

15. Where is Samoa? Briefly write about the life of children there.

• Samoan islands are in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean.
• According to a research, Samoan children did not go to school.
• They learnt to take care of younger siblings and fishing.
• They learnt these at different stages of childhood. Fishing being important, they learn long fishing expeditions.

16. Describe the life of the Samoan people in 1920s.
• As soon as babies could walk, their mothers or other adults no longer looked after them.
• Some children at 5 years of age, took over this responsibility.
• Both boys and girls looked after their younger siblings.
• At the age of nine years boys joined the other boys in learning outdoor jobs like fishing and planting coconuts.
• Girls continue looking after small children or do errands for adults till they were teenagers.
• After becoming teenagers girls had much more freedom.
• After the age of fourteen or so, girls also went on fishing trips, worked in the plantations, learnt how to weave baskets.
• Cooking was done in special cooking-houses, where boys did most of the work.
• Girls helped with the preparations of the food.

17. Give an account of the growing up in Madhya Pradesh in the 1960s.

• From class VI onwards boys and girls went to separate schools.
• Girls’ school was designed very differently from the boys’ school.
• They had a central courtyard where they played in total seclusion and safety from the outside world.
• The boys’ school had no such courtyard and the playground was a big space attached to the school.
• Every evening after the school, the boys watched as hundreds of school girls crowded the narrow streets as they looked very purposeful.
• The boys used the streets for different things like to stand around idling, to play, to try out tricks with their bicycles.
• For the girls, the street was simply a place to get straight home.
• The girls always went in groups, perhaps because they also carried fears of being teased or attacked by boys or other bad elements.

18. How does the society make a distinction between girls and boys?
From the young age, society make a clear distinction between the two genders. Through the toys the difference starts, boys are given cars and girls are given dolls. The girls are dressed differently, are asked to speak softly. Boys on the other hand play different games, are considered to be tough. Through this the children are conditioned to play the specific role when they grow up. This even affects our subject and career choices later in the life.

19. Is there a equality between the genders?
In most societies, the work done by men and women are not valued equally. They do not have the same status in society.

20. Why is the work of men and women not valued equally?
In most societies the work of men and women is valued differently. This is because men work outside the house while women do all the household chores like cleaning, washing, cooking etc. These works are not considered real works and are not recognized as work. It is assumed that these come naturally to women and because of this they are not to be paid. Society devalues this work.

21. What does housework involve?
The housework actually involves many different tasks. Some of these are listed below
• In both rural areas most of women and girls fetch water and carry heavy headloads of firewood.
• Tasks like cleaning, sweeping and picking heavy loads are done by women.
• Many chores like cooking, involve standing for long hours in front of hot stoves.

22. What do you mean by double burden.
It means a double load. This term is commonly used to describe the women’s work situation. It has emerged from a recognition that women typically labour both inside the home (housework) and outside.

23. What is identity?
Identity is a sense of self-awareness of who one is. Typically, a person can have several identities. Example: A person can be a girl, a boy etc.

24. What does Care-giving refer to?
Care-giving refers to a range of tasks related to looking after and nurturing. Besides physical tasks, they also involve a strong emotional aspect.

25. What does De-valued mean?
When someone is not given due recognition for a task or job they have done, they can feel de-valued.

Fill in the blanks:
26. The child centres in villages are called

27. When someone is not given due recognition for a task or job they have done, they can feel

28. Most of the work done by women is

29. Our constitution provides
equality of genders.

30. At
9 years of age, the boys in Samoa join older boys for learning outdoor jobs.

31. In Madhya Pradesh the girls’ schools were designed differently in the

32. The most important activity on an Island of Samoa in 1920s is

Identity is a sense of self-awareness of who one is.

34. The Samoan Islands is located in
Southern part of Pacific Ocean.

35. Paid work hours per week for women in Haryana is
23 hours.

36. Paid work hours per week for women in
Tamil Nadu is 19 hours.

37. Paid work hours per week for men in
Haryana is 38 hours.

38. Paid work hours per week for men in Tamil Nadu is
40 hours.

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