NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 2 - From Trade to Territory Extra Questions

Chapter 2 - From Trade to Territory Extra Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following was NOT the Presidency?
a) Bengal
b) Madras
c) Bombay
d) Kalikat
d) Kalikat

2. Tipu Sultan stopped export through his kingdom in
a) 1764
b) 1772
c) 1785
d) 1790
c) 1785

3. The first English factory was set up in the year
a) 1600
b) 1651
c) 1655
d) 1665
b) 1651

4. Who discovered the sea route to India in 1498?
a) Columbus
b) Dutch
c) East India Company
d) Vasco-da-Gama
d) Vasco-da-Gama

5. Robert Clive committed suicide in the year
a) 1770
b) 1743
c) 1767
d) 1774
d) 1774

6. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought in the year
a) 1743
b) 1752
c) 1761
d) 1763
c) 1761

7. Rani Channamma was the ruler of
a) Bengal
b) Kitoor
c) Agra
d) Delhi
b) Kitoor

8. Haidar Ali was the ruler of
a) Bengal
b) Delhi
c) Bombay
d) Mysore
d) Mysore

9. European trading companies were attracted to India due to
a) cheap land
b) cheap labour
c) raw material like cotton silk and spices
d) none of these
c) raw material like cotton silk and spices

10. Competition among the companies resulted in
a) reduced profits of companies
b) quality of goods increased
c) price became low
d) none of these
a) reduced profits of companies

Match the following


Fill in the blanks:
11. A heavy gun used by infantry soldiers
12. The new system of justice was set up in the year
13. The first English factory was set up on the banks of the
River Hugli.
14. Queen Elizabeth granted the East India Company the sole right to trade with the
15. After the defeat at Plassey,
Mir Jafar was made the Nawab.

Source -based question:
16. Read the following extract taken from NCERT textbook and answer the questions:
The Nawab complains
In 1733 the Nawab of Bengal said this about the English traders:
When they first came into the country they petitioned the then government in a humble manner for liberty to purchase a spot of ground to build a factory house upon, which was no sooner granted but they built a strong fort, surrounded it with a ditch which has communication with the river and mounted a great number of guns upon the walls. They have enticed several merchants and others to go and take protection under them and they collect a revenue which amounts to Rs. 100,000 they rob and plunder and carry great number of the king’s subjects of both sexes into slavery into their own country.
(i) What intention did the English traders show initially?
When the English traders came to India, they were polite. They petitioned the then government in a humble manner to purchase land and build warehouse there.

(ii) How did their activities divert later on?
Slowly, the traders started showing rudeness. They built a strong fort, surrounded with a ditch which had communication with river and mounted a great number of guns on the wall. They carried great number of king’s subject into their country for slavery.

Picture-based questions:
17. Observe the following picture taken from NCERT textbook and answer the questions:
(i) Identify the person above.

The above person is Robert Clive.

(ii) When was he appointed the Governor of Bengal?
He was appointed the Governor of Bengal in 1764.

(iii) Which battle did he fight in 1757?
Battle of Plassey was the battle that was fought by Robert Clive in 1757.

(iv) With whom did he fight in 1757?
The Battle of Plassey was between Robert Clive and Nawab of Bengal - Sirajuddaulah.

18. Observe the following picture taken from NCERT textbook and answer the questions that follow:
(i) What is it?
It is a big mechanical toy that Tipu Sultan - “The Tiger of Mysore" possessed.

(ii) Where is it?
This toy-tiger is now kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

(ii) Who took it away?
The British took it away when Tipu Sultan died defending his capital Seringapatam on 4 May 1799.

(iv) When was it taken away?
It was taken by British in 4 May 1799.

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