Gul Mohar Class 8 English Writing Skills - Dialogue Writing

Dialogue Writing

→ A dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.   
→ There must be continuity in the ideas of the dialogue
→ The right punctuation should be used to express the mood and tone of the dialogue.
→ A dialogue should be written with reference to a given situation.
→ It should be concise, relevant and should sound interesting and natural.
→ A good dialogue has a proper start and proper ending.
→ Use appropriate language.
→ Sentences should be short and simple.
→ Make use of the contractions such as don’t, can’t, wasn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t etc
→ And interjections like Oh! , Ah! , Alas!  etc., and use of um… er… to make the dialogue seem natural and conversational.
→ Dialogues could be formal, semi-formal or informal depending upon the relationship between the two characters.
→ Avoid using slang and impolite words.

Pattern of writing dialogues
→ Use simple and easy names for the characters.
→ When writing a dialogue use a colon after a name of the character and then write the spoken line.
→ Every time a different character speaks, write the dialogue on a fresh line.
→ Include the actions, feelings, and expressions in brackets.

Example: Write a Dialogue between you and your teacher about which course to study at vacations.

Student - Good Morning Sir, how are you?
Teacher - I am completely fine. What about you?
Student - I was wondering which course to learn in my vacations.
Teacher - It can be confusing with so many options online. You should make a list and narrow it down as per your interest.
Student - I have tried that but still I am left with three options- Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning or Data science.
Teacher - Well! All of them are very interesting courses, but as far as I remember you have always been interested in Artificial Intelligence.
Student - Yes! I do because I feel it is our future.
Teacher - Well then it’s no harm in pursuing it and later if you find it less interesting you can always switch.
Student - Yes it sounds like a great idea. Thanks!

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