Gul Mohar Class 8 English Writing Skills - Diary Writing

Diary Writing

A diary entry is a record of one’s feelings following an event either sad or pleasant. Diary entries are personal reflective in nature.

Guidelines For Diary Writing
• A diary entry has no fixed format or style of writing. However, a good diary entry contains the following features:
→ A good diary writing contains the place, the date, the day and even the time of writing. For example:
28th October, 2020
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
→ A diary doesn’t need any formal heading. However, it is optional. If you want, you can give a suitable heading.
→ The style and tone is generally informal and personal.  You can freely express your viewpoints and feelings.
→ As the diary is writer’s personal document, the diary entry doesn’t need any signature. It is totally optional.
→ You can evolve your own suitable style depending on the topic of your writing.
→ We always address our entries in the first person. If you want, you can give it a name. Usually, people address their diary entries as - “Dear Diary”
→ Tense Most frequently used-Simple past, Present perfect and future.
→ Begin the entry with general sentence describing the day or momentary feelings.
→ In the body, you may discuss an event, your feelings towards it. How it is likely to affect your future plans.
→ Conclude with final remark and future course of action.

Example: Make a diary entry describing how you caught a thief red-handed one night.

New Delhi
29th September, 2021
Wednesday, 9:30 pm

Dear Diary,
It was a pleasant August evening. Generally, the whole family dine together. We enjoyed a nice dinner and then watched, a TV serial for an hour. Then, I retired to my bedroom and soon fell asleep. Around midnight, my sleep was disturbed. I heard some movement and commotion. Who could be at this odd hour? I stood up and switched on the light. My movements woke up my parents, too. We were surprised to see the cupboards open and things lying on the floor in a mess. My parents were worried. But there was one consolation. The cash and jewellery were safe. The search for the thief began. My uncles and cousins also joined us. All that toil and trouble didn’t bring any result. Suddenly, I noticed some movement behind a curtain in the living room. And Lo! The thief was hiding there. All of us pounced on him. Before he could react, he was tied down. The police was informed and he was arrested on the spot. Good luck indeed! Thank God, everybody was safe and sound. There was no loss except for a few hours of our sweet sleep.

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