Kips Class 8 AI Unit 2: Relate

Unit 2: Relate

Question 1: Explain various Al related devices used at day to day life.

• Amazon Alexa - Amazon's range of Smart Speakers and Al-enabled assistant. It allows the users to perform multiple tasks (select music, make appointments, set reminders, check bank balances, order food online, book Uber rides, etc.) at home by using voice commands.
• Google Home - Google's range of Smart Speakers and Al-enabled assistant. It allows the users to take advantage of Google's online capabilities for answering questions, managing tasks, and controlling devices.
• AlphaGo - Computer uses Al and plays multi-game matches with humans. For the first time artificial intelligent computer 'AlphaGo' beat World Champion, Lee Se-Dol, in a multi-game match.
• Google Allo - Mobile messaging App released by Google. It uses Google Assistant to 'learn' from the user, adapt to habits, make suggestions.
• IBM Watson - A supercomputer platform teams up with General Motors, announced by IBM. It learns from driver preferences, studies data to identify patterns in habits and decisions taken by the drivers.

Question 2: Explain various fields and industries revolutionised by Al.

• Automobile industry: This industry is using artificial intelligence to develop self-driving vehicles. Artificial intelligence allows these vehicles to gather data about their surroundings, process it and navigate the vehicle. The development of these vehicles will help in reducing accidents and traffic jams.
• Transportation and logistics corporations: Different companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Uber, Ola, etc. use Al technology to provide subscriber traffic updates, estimated time of arrival, fares, etc. to reduce their expenses and increase the efficiency of their operations.
• E-commerce organisations: Companies like Amazon and Walmart use Al to understand their customer better. This helps these companies to provide customers with exactly what they want at the lowest cost.
• Financial and insurance companies: These companies use Al technology to keep frauds in check are secure personal information of the customers.
• Digital assistants: Microsoft's Cortana, Google Assistant, Apple's Siri, etc. use Al technology to understand what is being said and answer questions or perform actions based on the understanding.
• Social networks: Sites like Facebook and Twitter use Al to identify and address false news, hate posts, etc.

Question 3: Explain various risks with Al.

• Every technological advancement and breakthrough brings risks along with benefits. Al can also be misused.
• It can be used to make the weapons more efficient and destructive.
• Terrorists can use this technology to maximise the impact of their attacks.
• Cyber criminals can use it for hacking people.
• Al technology also poses serious privacy concerns. Due to this, organisations and scientists, across the world, are pushing for government regulations in this sector.

Question 4: Explain how Al relevant in our lives.

• Al automates repetitive learning and discovery through data: This automation is distinct from the earlier hardware-based robotic automation that was limited. The Al based automation is about taking care of work that is complex for us but simple for Al. This automation learns and becomes better with time. For example, a simple task of clicking photos - the Al technology in Google Pixel smart phones learns and improves it.
• Al augments intelligence of existing products: Having separate Al products for final consumers rarely happens. Normally Al technology is used to improve the existing products. For example, self-driving vehicles are not new products. Vehicles were invented a long time ago. Al technology is only expanding their capability by making them capable of self-driving.
• Al adapts through progressive learning algorithms to let the data do programming: Al technologies are all about creating systems that can learn from the data fed to them. In other words these systems use data to program themselves. For example, take the case of Amazon recommendation algorithm. This Al system studies customer's buying habits and recommends products that he/she will need and buy.
• Al analyses more and deeper data using neural networks that have many hidden layers:
These hidden layers provide better analysis and understanding, Take a simple example of fraud detection by financial corporations. The multiple layers allow for a deeper analysis and better predictions. In simple words, it means the more the data Al system receives, the better it becomes.
• Al achieves incredible accuracy: Al technology allows the search engines like Google and Bing to provide better and more accurate results.
• Al acquires the most out of data: For Al systems, data becomes prominent. In many cases, it can also become intellectual property. The solutions are already there in the data. Inferiorly designed Al systems with better data can many times perform better than better designed systems with poor data.



  2. Hi user,

    Nothing is a lot. You can do with your hard work and determination.

  3. Does this website have the question and answers for activity 1 of writing subjective responses for relate on page 52. If it does please link me the page

    1. Hello Hvigu,

      We currently didn't post any Q/A for activity 1 of Writing Subjective Responses for Relate on page 52. When we do post, we'll share it with you...

  4. Does this website have the question and answers for activity 1 and 2 of relate (pg 52) as I can't find it. If it does please link me the page in replies ty

    1. Hello Hvigu,

      We currently didn't post any Q/A for activity 1 and 2 of Relate on page 52. When we do post, we'll share it with you...


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