NCERT Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System

Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System

Question and Answers
Question 1: Answer the following questions briefly.
a) How does a planet differ from a star?
b) What is meant by the ‘Solar System’?
c) Name all the planets according to their distance from the sun.
d) Why is the Earth called a unique planet?
e) Why do we see only one side of the moon always?
f) What is the Universe?

• Planet - Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light. They are lit by the heat and light of the stars. These bodies are called planets. Example: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars etc
• Star - Some celestial bodies are very big and hot. They are made up of gases and they have their own heat and light. These celestial bodies are called stars. Example: Sun etc

b) The sun, eight planets, satellites and some other celestial bodies known as asteroids and meteoroids form the solar system.

c) The planets arranged as per their distance from the Sun are - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

d) The Earth is called a unique planet because the conditions favourable to support life are probably found only on the Earth. The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold. It has water and air, which are very essential for our survival. The air has life-supporting gases like oxygen. Because of these reasons, the earth is a unique planet in the solar system. From the outer space, the earth appears blue because its two-thirds surface is covered by water. It is, therefore, called a blue planet.

e) We always see only one side of the moon, because the moon moves around the earth in about 27 days and it takes exactly the same time to complete one spin.

f) Millions of galaxies together form the Universe. A galaxy is a huge system of billions of stars and clouds of dust and gases.

Question 2: Tick the correct answer.
a) The planet known as the “Earth’s Twin” is
i) Jupiter
ii) Saturn
iii) Venus
iii) Venus

b) Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?
i) Venus
ii) Earth
iii) Mercury
ii) Earth

c) All the planets move around the sun in a
i) Circular path
ii) Rectangular path
iii) Elongated path
iii) Elongated path

d) The Pole Star indicates the direction to the
i) South
ii) North
iii) East
ii) North

e) Asteroids are found between the orbits of
i) Saturn and Jupiter
ii) Mars and Jupiter
iii) The Earth and Mars
ii) Mars and Jupiter

Question 3: Fill in the blanks.
a) A group of ________ forming various patterns is called a ________.
b) A huge system of stars is called ________.
c) ________ is the closest celestial body to our earth.
d) ________ is the third nearest planet to the sun.
e) Planets do not have their own ________ and ___________________.

a) A group of stars forming various patterns is called a constellation.
b) A huge system of stars is called galaxy.
c) Moon is the closest celestial body to our earth.
d) Earth is the third nearest planet to the sun.
e) Planets do not have their own heat and light.

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