NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 8 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

Chapter 8 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

Question 1: Make a list of the occupations of the people who lived within the Mauryan empire.
A list of the occupations of the people who lived within the Mauryan empire:
• Farmers
• Herders
• Craftspersons
• Traders
• Jobs with emperor
• Hunting-gathering
• Fishing

Question 2: Complete the following sentences:
a) Officials collected ________________ from the area under the direct control of the ruler.
b) Royal princes often went to the provinces as ___________________.
c) The Mauryan rulers tried to control ________________ and _____________ which were important for transport.
d) People in forested regions provided the Mauryan officials with _______________.

a) Officials collected taxes from the area under the direct control of the ruler.
b) Royal princes often went to the provinces as governors.
c) The Mauryan rulers tried to control roads and rivers which were important for transport.
d) People in forested regions provided the Mauryan officials with elephants, timber, honey, wax.

Question 3: State whether true or false:
a) Ujjain was the gateway to the north-west.
b) Chandragupta’s ideas were written down in the Arthashastra.
c) Kalinga was the ancient name of Bengal.
d) Most Ashokan inscriptions are in the Brahmi script.

a) False
b) False
c) False
d) True

Question 4: What were the problems that Ashoka wanted to solve by introducing ‘dhamma’?
Ashoka’s dhamma did not involve worship of a god, or performance of a sacrifice. He felt that just as a father tries to teach his children, he had a duty to instruct his subjects. He was also inspired by the teachings of the Buddha. People in the empire followed different religions, and this sometimes led to conflict. Animals were sacrificed. Slaves and servants were ill-treated. Besides, there were quarrels in families and amongst neighbours. Ashoka felt it was his duty to solve these problems. So, he appointed officials, known as the dhamma mahamatta who went from place to place teaching people about dhamma. Besides, Ashoka got his messages inscribed on rocks and pillars, instructing his officials to read his message to those who could not read it themselves. Ashoka also sent messengers to spread ideas about dhamma to other lands, such as Syria, Egypt, Greece and Sri Lanka. He built roads, dug wells, and built rest houses. Besides, he arranged for medical treatment for both human beings and animals.

Question 5: What were the means adopted by Ashoka to spread the message of ‘dhamma’?
He appointed officials, known as the dhamma mahamatta who went from place to place teaching people about dhamma. Besides, Ashoka got his messages inscribed on rocks and pillars, instructing his officials to read his message to those who could not read it themselves. Ashoka also sent messengers to spread ideas about dhamma to other lands, such as Syria, Egypt, Greece and Sri Lanka.

Question 6: Why do you think slaves and servants were ill-treated? Do you think the orders of the emperor would have improved their condition? Give reasons for your answer.

• Slaves and servants were ill-treated because no political authority or socio-economic organisation had favoured proper treatment for slaves and servants. They were supposed to do all manual and hard work but they were not allowed to participate in some rituals and not permitted to recite Vedas or for taking education.
• Yes, the orders of the emperor would have improved condition of slaves and servants.
→ Slaves and servants would have got proper wages and better treatment.
→ Their duty hours and working conditions would have improved.

Question 7: Write a short paragraph explaining to Roshan why the lions are shown on our currency notes. List at least one other object on which you see them.
The lions are part of the Lion Capital in Samath. These lions are shown on our currency notes in honour of one of the greatest kings of India, Ashoka, who built the Capital. Moreover, on independence, the lion was recognized as the national animal, so the notes also showed the Lion Capital. Another object which has the lions are shown are the coins of our currency.

Question 8: Suppose you had the power to inscribe your orders, what four commands would you like to issue?

• Everyone should respect the elders and elders should love their youngers.
• Everyone should respect the other’s religion. One should try to understand the main ideas of another’s religion and respect it.
• Everyone should be kind to servants and employees.
• Everyone should be loyal to motherland.

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