Kips Class 10 AI Unit 1: Communication Skills-II (Basic Writing Skills)

Unit 1: Communication Skills-II (Basic Writing Skills)

Assessment Time
A. Select the correct option.
1. A …………………. is a group of words that forms a unit within a sentence but is incomplete independently.
a. Subject
b. Phrase
c. Noun
b. Phrase 

2. ……………………… are used to keep a record of the communication for future reference.
a. Spoken word
b. Hand movements
c. Written words
c. Written words

3. An …………………… sentence is a sentence that states a fact.
a. Imperative
b. Interrogative
c. Assertive
c. Assertive

4. ………………………….. refers to a word or phrase that expresses a strong emotion.
a. interjection
b. verb
c. preposition
a. interjection

5. With which of the following words can we can we not use the article ‘an’?
a. European
b. Hour
c. Egg
a. European

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A group of words that makes complete sense is called a ……………………………..
2. Every complete sentence contains 2 parts, a subject and a …………………………...
3. A crucial part of writing a good paragraph is …………………………… and revision.
4. ‘A’ and ‘an’ are two forms of the ………………………. articles.
5. …………………. article is used when the noun that follows is already known.

1. A group of words that makes complete sense is called a sentence.
2. Every complete sentence contains 2 parts, a subject and a predicate.
3. A crucial part of writing a good paragraph is proofreading and revision.
4. ‘A’ and ‘an’ are two forms of the indefinite articles.
5. Definite article is used when the noun that follows is already known.

C. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a phrase? Give one example of each type of phrase.
A phrase is a group of words that form a unit within a sentence but is incomplete independently. A phrase lacks both the subject and the object.
Type of phrase
There are different types of phrases. They are:
• Noun phrase: A noun phrase acts like a noun in a sentence. Example: We all love eating ice-cream. (eating ice-cream is noun phrase)
• Verb phrase: A verb phrase is a group of main verbs and helping verbs within a sentence. Example: This jewellery maybe worth millions of rupees! (maybe worth is the verb phrase)
• Adjective phrase: An adjective phrase is built around an adjective and consists of adjective and/or articles. Example: Radhika walked on the stage very gracefully. (very gracefully is the adjective phrase, described the object - walk)
• Adverbial phrase: An adverbial phrase is built around an adverb by adding words before or after it. Example: We strolled through the gardens very slowly. (very slowly is the adverbial phrase)
• Prepositional phrase: A prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and followed by a noun. Example: All rooms below the deck are for sleeping. (below is the prepositional phrase, the deck is noun)

2. What is definite article? Where is it used? Give three examples.
The definite article, ‘the’ can be used with both countable noun (singular as well as plural) and uncountable nouns. Its main use is to specify a person, place, place, or thing. It is used when the noun that follows is already known.
• My friend purchased a car, the car is very speedy.
• The Union Bank is near to my house.
• The Guru Granth Sahib is the religious scripture of Sikhism.

3. How is the usage of ‘a’ different from ‘an’ in English language?

• ‘a’ and ‘an’ have the same function. These are indefinite articles. The usage depends on the sound at the beginning of the next word.
• ‘a’ is used when the next word starts with a consonant sound. Example: A chair, A desk, A pen
• ‘an’ is used when the next word starts with a vowel sound. Example: An egg, An American, An hour.

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