KIPS Class 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Practice Questions

KIPS Class 10 Artificial Intelligence Practice Questions

1. The development of _______ is regarded as the first wave of AI.
a. Internet
b. Mobile internet
c. IoT
d. Robotics and AI
Answer: a. Internet

2. Which of the following is not one of the three main domains of Artificial Intelligence?
a. Data
b. Smart decision-making
c. Computer vision
d. NLP
Answer: b. Smart decision-making
3. If no feedback is given, it indicates agreement or reluctance in accepting ideas.
a. True
b. False
c. Can't say
d. None of these
Answer: a. True
4. ____Learning is used to enable machines to learn by themselves using the provided data and make accurate Predictions/ Decisions.
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Machine Learning
c. Deep Learning
d. All of the above
Answer: b. Machine Learning

5. Email filters are one of the most basic and initial applications of _______ domain.
a. Natural Language Processing(NLP)
b. Computer Vision (CV)
c. Data Sciences (DS)
d.None of the above
Answer: a. Natural Language Processing(NLP)

6. Which of the following domain of AI that depicts the capability of a machine to get and analyse visual information and afterwards predict some decisions about it?
a. Data
b. Computer Vision
c. Natural Language Processing
d. All of the above
Answer: b. Computer Vision

7. Which of the following is mobile messaging app released by Google?
a. Siri
b. Alexa
c. Google Home
d. Google Allo
Answer: d. Google Allo

8. Price comparison websites are all related to_____________ domain of AI.
a. Data
b. Natural Language Processing
c. Computer Vision
d. Deep Learning
Answer: a. Data

9. _____ machines are intelligent enough to develop algorithms for themselves.
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Deep Learning
c. Machine Learning
d. All of these
Answer: b. Deep Learning

10. In _______ year, Artificial Intelligence was coined by John McCarthy.
a. 1946
b. 1956
c. 1966
d. 1976
Answer: b. 1956

11. What do we call the AI capability of self-programming by learning from the data fed to it?
a. AI programming
b. AI Augmentation
c. AI Adaption
d. AI development
Answer: c. AI Adaption

12. _______ feedback gives a vague response to the receiver.
a. Non-specific
b. Specific
c. Descriptive
d. None of these
Answer: a. Non-specific
13. If an AI driven car has hit the boy who came in front of it. Considering this as an accident, who should be held responsible for it?
a. The person who bought this car
b. The Manufacturing Company
c. The developer who developed the car’s algorithm
d. The boy who came in front of the car and got severely injured
Answer: c. The developer who developed the car’s algorithm

14. Which of the following is an interconnected group of nodes, which has been inspired by the network of neurons in human brain?
a. Natural Neural Network
b. Artificial Neural Network
c. Both of the above
d. None of these
Answer: b. Artificial Neural Network

15. In a ____________ model, the data set fed to the machine is labelled.
a. Unsupervised Learning
b. Supervised Learning
c. Learning Based
d. Reinforcement Learning
Answer: b. Supervised Learning

16. Which of the following methods are used for collecting data?
a. Surveys
b. Observations
c. Internet
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above

17. In Neural Network, the job of ________ is to acquire data and feed it to the Neural Network.
a. Input layer
b. Output layer
c. Hidden layers
d. None of the above
Answer: a. Input layer

18. Which of the following is not a W in 4W framework?
a. Why
b. Who
c. What
d. Which
Answer: d. Which

19. Which of the following is an example of Unsupervised Learning Model?
a. Regression
b. Classification
c. Clustering
d. Rule Based
Answer: b. Classification

20. Which of the following technology is based on the adaption of how the human brainworks?
a. Super computing
b. Smart technology
c. Super network
d. Neural networks
Answer: d. Neural networks

21. Bar chart, Pie chart, line graph are some of the techniques of _________.
a. Data Collection
b. Data Visualization
c. Data Accessing
d. None of the above
Answer: b. Data Visualization

22. When did the first AI winter begin?
a. 1874
b. 1974
c. 1975
d. 1984
Answer: b. 1974

23. An unsupervised learning model works on _____________dataset.
a. Training
b. Labelled
c. Testing
d. Unlabelled
Answer: d. Unlabelled

24. Models which work on continuous data like weather analysis,forecasting stock prices, population growth prediction etc are the examples of______.
a. Clustering
b. Regression
c. Classification
d. Association
Answer: b. Regression

25. Which of the following is not involved in Natural Language Generation?
a. Text Planning
b. Sentence planning
c. Text Generation
d. Text Realization
Answer: c. Text Generation

26. ___ refer to the type of data you want to collect.
a. Input
b. Data features
c. Data Exploration
d. All of the above
Answer: b. Data features

27. __________ allows people involved to build trust and remove any negative emotions.
a. Effective communication
b. Communication cycle
c. Correctness
d. None of these

28. Which of the following training data used for any AI project to be efficient? the training data should be authentic and relevant to the problem statement scoped.
a. Authentic
b. Relative
c. Relevant
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above
29. AI based chase games use ________
a. Rule based
b. Brute force
c. Neural network
d. Heuristics
Answer: b. Brute force
30. For the classification of data, one of the simplest methods used today is ______________.
a. Decision tree
b. Logistic regression
c. Deep neural networks
d. Linear Regression
Answer: a. Decision tree

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