Kips Class 6 IT Beans Chapter 1 Computer Language

Chapter 1 Computer Language

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A program is a set of instructions, which tells the computer what to do.
2. The development of computer languages can be classified into four categories.
3. Machine language consists of binary numbers, i.e., 0 and 1.
4. Spacewar was the first interactive computer game.
5. High level language uses simple English words and mathematical operators.
6. Assembly language uses mnemonic codes and symbols.
7. LISP was the first computer language for writing artificial intelligence programs.
8. In binary language, 0 means off and 1 means on state.

B. State True or False
1. Machine language is the only language, which a computer understands. (True)
2. Assembly language is regarded as the first generation language. (False)
Correct Answer: Assembly language is regarded as the second generation language.
3. Each programming language has its own specific rules. (True)
4. Compiler converts a high level language program into machine learning, line by line. (False)
Correct Answer: Interpreter converts a high level language program into machine learning, line by line.
5. High level language program has to be converted into machine language by translator programs. (True)
6. Fortran language was designed for business users. (False)
Correct Answer: COBOL language was designed for business users./Fortran language was designed for scientists and engineers.
7. Programming is the process of writing specific instructions in a computer language. (True)
8. Machine language uses mnemonic codes. (False)
Correct Answer: Assembly language uses mnemonic codes.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Kapil’s aunt was a computer programmer during the third generation of computer language. Which kind of language did she use then?
Kapil’s aunt used High level language which included C, C++, Java etc.

2. Sumit is trying his hand in Java programming, but doesn’t know which type of language it is. Help him to solve his query.
Java programming comes under High level Language.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. A program written in the assembly language is called ____________.
a) Assembler
b) Source program
c) Object program
a) Assembler

2. An _____________ converts a high level language program into machine language, line by line.
a) Assembler
b) Compiler
c) Interpret
c) Interpret

3. The program converted into machine language by the translator is called _______________.
a) Source program
b) Object program
c) Assembler
b) Object program

4. The term software was first used by ______________________.
a) John McCarthy
b) John W. Tukey
c) John von Neumann
b) John W. Tukey

E. Answer the following:
1. What do you mean by Machine Language?
Machine language is the only language that a computer understands. It is expressed in binary form i.e. ‘0’ and ‘1’ where 0 means ‘off’ state and 1 means ‘on’ state.

2. How is Assembly language different from Machine Language?
Assembly language uses Mnemonic codes or symbol in place of 0 and 1. A computer can understand only machine language so Assembly Language program have to be converted into Machine Language.

3. What are the features of a high level language?
The features of a high level language are
• Uses English words and mathematical operators
• Machine-independent
• Has to be converted into Machine Language by Translator programs (Interpreters and Compilers)

4. Differentiate between an interpreter and a compiler.

• Interpreter
→ An interpreter translates line by line.
→ The converted form is not saved anywhere.
→ Interpreter are slow in execution.
• Compiler
→ A compiler translates the whole program at once.
→ The execution is very fast.
→ Execution is saved.

5. List any three characteristics of the Fourth generation language.

• Machine-interdependent
• Minimal user skills required to obtain results
• Application development tool
• Highly user-friendly
• Very high speed of execution
• Independent of any operating system


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