NCERT Class 10 History Chapter 1 - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQs

Chapter 1 - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQs

Question 1: When did Napoleon lose the battle of Leipzig?
a) 1812
b) 1813
c) 1814
d) 1815


Answer: b) 1813

Question 2: Who designed the cover of German Almanac?
a) Journalist Andreas Rebmann
b) Philosopher Andreas Rebmann
c) Journalist Andrea Rebman
d) Journalist Raska Rebmann


Answer: a) Journalist Andreas Rebmann

Question 3: When was the last obstacle for the unification of Italy?
a) 1860
b) 1867
c) 1870
d) 1833


Answer: b) 1867

Question 4: Ireland was deeply divided between
a) Catholics
b) Protestants
c) Hindu
d) Both a) and b)


Answer: d) Both a) and b)

Question 5: What was banned by Dukes of German States?
a) Union Jack
b) French flag
c) Black, Red, and Gold tricolor
d) None of these


Answer: c) Black, Red, and Gold tricolor

Question 6: The Scottish highlanders were forbidden to speak their ________ language.
a) Gaelic
b) Norwegian
c) Dutch
d) German


Answer: a) Gaelic

Question 7: Which one of the following is an important French Romantic painter?
a) Delancrox
b) Delacroix
c) Delatacroix
d) Frederic Sorrieu


Answer: b) Delacroix

Question 8: Which of the following was the member of German Jacobin Group?
a) Frederic Sorrieu
b) Ernst Renan
c) Rebmann
d) Delacroix


Answer: c) Rebmann

Question 9: In Hungary, half of the population spoke
a) Italian
b) Polish
c) Magyar
d) None of these


Answer: c) Magyar

Question 10: When did the industrialization began in France and parts of the German states?
a) Second half of the 18th century
b) First half of the 18th century
c) First half of the 19th century
d) 19th century


Answer: d) 19th century

Question 11: The southern regions of Italy was under the domination of?
a) Austrian Habsburg
b) Pope
c) Bourbon Kings of Spain
d) Italian Princely House


Answer: c) Bourbon Kings of Spain

Question 12: During the early 1830s, _____________ had sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian Republic.
a) Garibaldi
b) Mazzini
c) Bismarck
d) Cavour


Answer: b) Mazzini

Question 13: The British supported _________________ to establish their dominance in Ireland.
a) Catholics
b) Protestants
c) Dutch
d) Both a) and b)


Answer: b) Protestants

Question 14: What were the large landowners of Prussia known as?
a) Kulaks
b) French
c) Bourbons
d) Junkers


Answer: d) Junkers

Question 15: Who painted the Germania?
a) Philip Veit
b) Garibaldi
c) Mazzini
d) Rebmann


Answer: a) Philip Veit

Question 16: The crown of Oak Leaves stand for ______________________.
a) Heroism
b) Being freed
c) Readiness to fight
d) Willingness to make peace


Answer: a) Heroism

Question 17: When was the Prussian King, William I, proclaimed German Emperor?
a) 18th January 1871
b) 20th February 1871
c) 19th February 1871
d) 20th December 1871


Answer: a) 18th January 1871

Question 18: What did Das Volk stand for?
a) Poor people
b) Laborers
c) Common people
d) Victory


Answer: c) Common people

Question 19: When did the Habsburg rulers grant more autonomy to Hungarians?
a) 1867
b) 1876
c) 1884
d) 1885


Answer: a) 1867

Question 20: When was the painting done by Anton von Werner gifted to Bismarck?
a) 1867
b) 1885
c) 1860
d) 1858


Answer: b) 1885

Question 21: Which of the following is an elected member of Frankfurt Parliament?
a) Carl Welcker
b) Carl Max
c) Max Vadenburg
d) William I


Answer: a) Carl Welcker

Question 22: Who described the events in Silesian village?
a) Wolfe Tone
b) Wilhelm Wolff
c) Karl Marx
d) None of these


Answer: b) Wilhelm Wolff

Question 23: Rebmann lived in the city of ______.
a) Mainz
b) Milan
c) Genoa
d) Frankfurt


Answer: a) Mainz

Question 24: The French philosopher, Ernst Renan, delivered a lecture at?
a) Mainz
b) University of Sorbonne
c) Hall of Winter Palace
d) Frankfurt Parliament


Answer: b) University of Sorbonne

Question 25: The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the _________ root liber, meaning free.
a) Greek
b) French
c) German
d) Latin


Answer: d) Latin

Question 26: The first clear expression of nationalism came with the __________ in 1789.
a) French Revolution
b) Treaty of Vienna
c) Russian Revolution
d) Treaty of Constantinople


Answer: a) French Revolution

Question 27: The __________________ sparked an uprising in Brussels which led to Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
a) July Revolution
b) Russian Revolution
c) January Revolution
d) French Revolution


Answer: a) July Revolution

Question 28: _______________ means a direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
a) Plebiscite
b) Suffrage
c) Utopian
d) Absolutist


Answer: a) Plebiscite

Question 29: By whom was the Estates General elected?
a) Both men and women
b) Active citizens
c) All men irrespective of their age
d) Property-owning man


Answer: b) Active citizens

Question 30: A merchant travelling from Hamburg to Nuremberg in 1833 to sell his goods would have had to pass through __________ customs barriers?
a) 3
b) 11
c) 10
d) 33


Answer: b) 11

Question 31: In which war was Napoleon defeated?
a) The Battle of Waterloo
b) The Battle of Leipzig
c) Greek War of Independence
d) None of these


Answer: a) The Battle of Waterloo

Question 32: Which year was known as the year of dear bread?
a) 1848
b) 1871
c) 1840
d) 1815


Answer: b) 1848

Question 33: Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European governments were driven by a spirit of _______.
a) Conservatism
b) Monarchy
c) Liberalism
d) Nationalism


Answer: a) Conservatism

Question 34: The autocratic monarchies of __________ began to introduce changes that had already taken place in Western Europe before 1815.
a) Central and Eastern Europe
b) Central and Southern Europe
c) Eastern and Northern Europe
d) None of these


Answer: a) Central and Eastern Europe

Question 35: The regimes set up in 1815 were autocratic because:
a) They didn’t impose censorship laws to control what was said in newspapers, plays, songs etc.
b) They did not tolerate criticism and dissent
c) They curbed activities which questioned their legitimacy
d) Both b) and c)


Answer: d) Both b) and c)

Question 36: Which of the following aspect signifies the image of ‘Germania’?
a) Heroism and readiness to fight
b) Heroism and Justice
c) Avenge and Heroism
d) Folk and Cultural Tradition


Answer: b) Heroism and Justice

Question 37: Unification of Italy took place in:
a) 1857 - 1871
b) 1852 - 1881
c) 1859 - 1870
d) 1885 - 1890


Answer: c) 1859 - 1870

Question 38: In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke:
a) Polish
b) Dutch
c) French
d) German


Answer: a) Polish

Question 39: When did Napoleon invade Italy?
a) 1979
b) 1797
c) 1897
d) 1697


Answer: b) 1797

Question 40: When was the customs union or zollverein formed?
a) 1837
b) 1834
c) 1835
d) 1836


Answer: b) 1834

Question 41: On __________________________, 831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul.
a) 19 May 1848
b) 17 May 1848
c) 18 May 1848
d) 14 May 1848


Answer: c) 18 May 1848

Question 42: What does ‘Breastplate with eagle’ mean?
a) Being freed
b) Beginning of new era
c) Willingness to make peace
d) Symbol of the German empire - strength


Answer: d) Symbol of the German empire - strength

Question 43: Slavs were the inhabitants of _____________________.
a) Balkans
b) Taklands
c) France
d) Netherlands


Answer: a) Balkans

Question 44: A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the _____________________.
a) Austrian Empire
b) Ottoman Empire
c) Russian Empire
d) Great Britain Empire


Answer: b) Ottoman Empire

Question 45: In which year Act of Union took place?
a) 1707
b) 1706
c) 1705
d) None of these


Answer: a) 1707

Question 46: Arrange the following years in chronological order.
i - Greek struggle for independence begins
ii - Slav nationalism gathers force in the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires.
iii - Napoleon invades Italy; Napoleonic wars begin.
iv - Revolutions in Europe; artisans, industrial workers and peasants revolt against economic hardships; middle classes demand constitutions and representative governments; Italians, Germans, Magyars, Poles, Czechs, etc. demand nation-states.
a) ii → iv → i → iii
b) iii → i → iv → ii
c) iv → ii → iii → i
d) i → ii → iii → iv


Answer: b) iii → i → iv → ii

Question 47: When did French Revolution start?
a) 1789
b) 1890
c) 1790
d) 1787


Answer: a) 1789

Question 48: Garibaldi was born in which year?
a) 1807
b) 1806
c) 1805
d) 1803


Answer: a) 1807

Read the following passage:
Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-82) is perhaps the most celebrated of Italian freedom fighters. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the merchant navy. In 1833 he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in 1834. The uprising was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till 1848. In 1854, he supported Victor Emmanuel II in his efforts to unify the Italian states. In 1860, Garibaldi led the famous Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy. Fresh volunteers kept joining through the course of the campaign, till their numbers grew to about 30,000. They were popularly known as Red Shirts. In 1867, Garibaldi led an army of volunteers to Rome to fight the last obstacle to the unification of Italy, the Papal States where a French garrison was stationed. The Red Shirts proved to be no match for the combined French and Papal troops. It was only in 1870 when, during the war with Prussia, France withdrew its troops from Rome that the Papal States were finally joined to Italy.
Answer the following questions (49 - 51) that follow:
Question 49: In which year Giuseppe Garibaldi met Mazzini?
a) 1842
b) 1863
c) 1833
d) 1854


Answer: c) 1833

Question 50: Garibaldi had to flee to South America from the year ___________ to _______________.
a) 1836 - 1847
b) 1835 - 1848
c) 1835 - 1847
d) 1836 - 1848


Answer: d) 1836 - 1848

Question 51: What were Garibaldi's followers called?
a) Bismarck
b) Red collars
c) Red shirt
d) Blue shirt


Answer: c) Red shirt

Question 52: Which of the following region was not under the Balkan region?
a) Croatia
b) Greece
c) Serbia
d) France


Answer: d) France

Look at the following picture and answer the questions that follow (53 - 55):

Picture for PBQ 53 - 55

Question 53: Who is the person in the following picture?
a) Garibaldi
b) Mazzini
c) Victor Emmanuel II
d) Napoleon


Answer: d) Napoleon

Question 54: In which year did he lost the battle?
a) Liepzig, 1817
b) Leipzig, 1814
c) Leipzig, 1813
d) Leipzig, 1812


Answer: c) Leipzig, 1813

Question 55: What does the falling letters mean?
a) The land he sold to someone else
b) The territories he lost
c) The territories he had to sell to earn a living
d) The territories he won


Answer: b) The territories he lost

Question 56: The first upheaval took place in France in
a) July 1829
b) June 1830
c) July 1840
d) July 1830


Answer: d) July 1830

Question 57: When did the Treaty of Constantinople recognize Greece as an independent nation?
a) 1834
b) 1832
c) 1824
d) 1815


Answer: b) 1832

Question 58: Lord Byron died in the year
a) 1824
b) 1832
c) 1828
d) 1829


Answer: a) 1824

Question 59: Giuseppe Mazzine was born in _________.
a) Mainz
b) Genoa
c) Berlin
d) Milan


Answer: b) Genoa

Question 60: Treaty of Vienna was signed in the year
a) 1815
b) 1816
c) 1817
d) 1818


Answer: a) 1815

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