Kips Class 6 IT Beans Chapter 13 Internet Services

Chapter 13 Internet Services

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A Network is an interconnection between two or more computers.
2. WWW is a collection of a number of web pages.
3. A chat is an online conversation over the Internet.
4. Video conferencing is mainly used for virtual meeting.
5. E-mail is the fastest way of sending mails.

B. State True or False:
1. Bill Gates is the founder of World Wide Web. (False)
Correct Answer:
Tim Beners Lee is the founder of World Wide Web.
2. Skype is one of the popular chat software. (True)
3. Attachments can be sent through e-mails. (True)
4. PayPal is one of the most popular E-learning software. (False)
Correct Answer:
PayPal is one of the most popular E-banking software.
5. Flipkart is a popular e-commerce company based in India. (True)

C. Give the full form of the following:
1. FD: _________________
2. WWW: _________________
3. URL: _________________
4. ARPANET: _________________
5. INTERNET: _________________
6. ISP: _________________

1. FD: Fixed Deposit
2. WWW: World Wide Web
3. URL: Uniform Resource Location
4. ARPANET: Advanced Research Project Network Agency
5. INTERNET: International Network
6. ISP: Internet Service Provider

D. Application Based Questions:
1. Shruti’s children live in USA. She wants to talk to them face to face. Which internet service will you suggest her to use for communication?
She can use video conferencing for communication with her children.

2. Anuj is a Sales representative. He hardly gets time to visit the bank for transactions. Suggest him the internet service by using which he can do all his banking activities.
He can use E-banking by using which he can do all his banking activities.

E. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. In India, internet services started on ________________.
a) 15th Aug 1995
b) 15th Aug 1985
c) 15th Aug 2005
a) 15th Aug 1995

2. Niklas Zennstrom and his Danish partner Janus Friis are the founders of _______________.
a) Microsoft
b) Skype
c) Yahoo
b) Skype

3. _____________ is a USA based popular e-commerce company.

4. Gmail is owned by ________________.
a) Yahoo
b) Google
c) Microsoft
b) Google

5. ____________ is the most popular social networking site.
a) Google
b) Facebook
c) Yahoo
b) Facebook

F. Answer in one sentence:
1. Name some popular internet services.
World Wide Web (WWW), Chatting, Video Conferencing, E-learning, E-banking, Internet Free Calls, E-mail are some popular internet services.

2. What are chat rooms?
Chat rooms are some places on internet where one can converse with family members, friends, relatives living at distant places.

3. What is signature in an e-mail?
A signature is a bit of personalized text (such as contact information or a favourite quote) that is automatically inserted at the bottom of every e-mail we send.

4. Give some examples of E-learning website.
Answer:,, are some examples of E-learning websites.

5. What do you understand by online shopping?
We can buy or sell new or second-hand goods also. This process of selling and buying products over internet is called online shopping.

G. Answer the following:
1. Briefly explain the term Internet.
The internet is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of computers spread across the world. Internet allows us to share the information worldwide with just a mouse click.

2. What do you mean by the term E-commerce?
E-commerce stands for electronic commerce, which means online commercial activities. Internet offers us convenient ways to shop from our homes or offices for almost everything, such as air/rail/movie tickets, clothes, electronic items, books, gifts etc. We can buy or sell new or second-hand goods also. This process of selling and buying products over internet is called online shopping.

3. Define the term WWW. Who is the founder of WWW?
WWW stands for World Wide Web. It contains millions of document or bunch of pages called web page. Tim Berners Lee was the founder of WWW.

4. What do you understand by the term E-Banking?
E-Banking stands for electronic banking. It is an advanced method of performing bank transactions through internet. Using E-banking, one can check the available amount, make Fixed Deposits, transfer money to another account, apply loans and so on.

5. Explain the concept of chatting.
A chat is an online conversation over the internet in which text based messages can be instantly sent back and forth. There are various types of chats available on the internet. One can chat through an instant messenger, a chat room, a chat website etc.

6. Write a short note on Internet free calls.
We can make free voice calls and video calls to anyone across the world using an internet connection. The only condition is that the particular software or application should be installed in the devices at both the ends. 

7. Describe the term Video Conferencing.
Video Conferencing involves the use of video cameras connected to two or more computers. Images and sound are sent through the internet where users not only hear each other, but can also have a face to face conversation.

8. What are the features of Electronic Mail? Name any two websites, which provide the E-mail facility.
E-mail stands for Electronic Mail. It is a facility on internet to compose, store, send and receive messages to any part of the world. Some popular site that provide E-mail facility are:

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