Kips Class 6 IT Beans Chapter 8 Log On To Flash CS3

Chapter 8 Log On To Flash CS3

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Stage is the area where we create our drawings.
2. Timeline is the area where graphics and elements are assembled in sequence.
3. Polystar tool is used to draw a star with five sides.
4. Control > Test movie option is used to preview the animation.
5. Straighten is the default mode of the Pencil tool when it is selected.

B. State True or False:
1. The Rectangle tool is used to draw polygon and star figures. (False)
Correct Answer:
The Polystar tool is used to draw polygon and star figures.
2. Text Tool is used to type text on the Stage. (True)
3. To change the color style of lines, select stroke style option in the Property Inspector. (True)
4. The Fill Color Tool is used to fill an object with color. (True)
5. The shortcut key for Pencil Tool is P. (False)
Correct Answer:
The shortcut key for Pen Tool is P.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Sumit has to make a greeting card. He wants to draw flowers. Which tool will you suggest him to use?
Sumit can use the Pencil Tool to draw flowers.

2. Kartik has drawn a beautiful scenery. He wants to group the objects but he doesn’t know how to do it. Suggest him the right option to fulfill the task.
He should use Ctrl + G to group the objects.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. ___________ key combination is used to group the selected object.
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + G
c) Ctrl + V
b) Ctrl + G

2. _____ function key is used to insert a keyframe.
a) F5
b) F6
c) F7
b) F6

3. ___________ tool is used to draw precise paths as straight lines or smooth flowing curves.
a) Pencil
b) Brush
c) Pen
c) Pen

4. _____________ key combination is used to break apart the stroke and fill color.
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + V
c) Ctrl + G
a) Ctrl + B

E. Write the function of the following tools briefly:


1. This is the pencil tool. It is a freehand drawing tool. This tool helps to draw lines in three different modes: Straighten, Smooth and Ink.
2. This is the pen tool. This tool is used to draw precise paths as straight lines or smooth flowing curves.
3. This is the eraser tool. This tool is used to erase lines and fills of an object from the Stage. There are different eraser mode modifiers: Erase Normal, Erase Fills, Erase Lines, Erase Selected Fills and Erase Inside.
4. This is the Ink Bottle Tool. It is used to change the stroke color, width and style of lines or shape outlines.

F. Answer the following:
1. What is Flash? What are the main parts of Flash working environment?
Flash is an animation software package. Flash provides a versatile and easy way to create animation. The parts of Flash are the Stage, Menu Bar, the Tools Panel, Timeline, the Properties Panel. 

2. What is the difference between Stroke and Fill color?
The Stroke color is used to choose the style and thickness of the line whereas Fill color is used to fill the object with color at single click.

3. What are the three modes of Pencil tool? Explain any one.
Three modes of Pencil tool are: Straighten, Smooth and Ink.
Smooth - Smooth mode smoothens the jerks on the edges.

4. What are the options of the Eraser Mode Modifier? Explain any two briefly.
The different options of the Eraser Mode Modifier are: Erase Normal, Erase Fills, Erase Lines, Erase Selected Fills and Erase Inside.
Erase Lines - It is used to erase only outlines or lines.
Erase Inside - Erases the inner part of an object.

5. What are keyframes?
Keyframes are special types of frames where we can define change in the object for an animation, like position, color, shape etc.

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