Kips Class 6 IT Beans Chapter 9 Working With Flash CS3

Chapter 9 Working With Flash CS3

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A symbol is a reusable graphics for static images.
2. There are three types of symbols.
3. Morphing refers to special effects in animation that change one shape into another shape.
4. The shortcut to convert any object into symbol is F8.
5. There are two types of Tweened animation.

B. State True or False:
1. Flash stores symbols in the Library. (True)
2. Motion Tweening works on symbols. (True)
3. Shape Tween works if the object is converted into symbol. (False)
Correct Answer:
Shape Tween doesn’t work if the object is converted into symbols.
4. The Property Inspector in Flash displays all the information regarding the object which is selected. (True)
5. We cannot edit the Properties of graphic symbol. (False)
Correct Answer:
We can edit the Properties of graphic symbol.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Feroz wants to create an animation, in which he would show a smiling face changing into a crying face. Which tweened animation should he use to get the desired results.
He should use Shape Tween to get the desired results.

2. Bhoomi has learnt Flash in school. While practising at home she has drawn a beautiful scene of cloudy day. She wants to show the movements of clouds in the sky, but forgot the option that can perform this action. Help her to select the correct option for the same.
She should use Motion Tween.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. ____________ is the shortcut key to open the Library dialog box.
a) Ctrl + M
b) Ctrl + L
c) Ctrl + D
b) Ctrl + L

2. To preview the animation effect, press ____________ key combination.
a) Ctrl + Shift
b) Ctrl + Enter
c) Ctrl + Alt
b) Ctrl + Enter

3. _____________________ defines the path of the movement of an object.
a) Motion Tween
b) Shape Tween
c) Motion Guide Layer
c) Motion Guide Layer

4. _____________ is the store house of symbols.
a) Property
b) Library
c) Timelines
b) Library

5. _______________ option is selected by default in the Convert to symbol dialog box.
a) Movie Clip
b) Graphic
c) Button
a) Movie Clip

E. Answer the following:
1. What are symbols? Name the types of symbols.
A Symbol is reusable object for static image for animation. They are either created with the help of drawing tools or imported from other sources. Types of symbols: Movie Clip, Button, Graphic

2. Define the term Instance.
Instance is a copy of the original symbol. The size, color, shape and position can be altered without affecting the original symbol.

3. What do you understand by the term Animation?
When a series of images appear in a fixed interval of time, then it appears to show some movement. This can be termed as animation.

4. Why do we use Motion Guide Layer?
Motion guide defines the path of the movement of an object. 

5. What is Tweening? Name the types of tweening.
Tweening means “in-between”. The movement from one keyframe to the other becomes convenient with the use of the Tweening method in Flash. There are two types of Tweened animation: Motion Tween, Shape Tween.

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