Kips Class 7 Cyber Apps Chapter 4 Log On to Animate CC

Chapter 4 Log On to Animate CC

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Animate is a powerful animation software package developed by Adobe Systems.
2. The Workspace is the arrangement of various Animate elements, such as the Tools panel, Control panel, Property Inspector, and Stage.
3. The Stage is the large white space that can be seen at the center of the workspace.
4. The gray area surrounding the Stage is called Work Area.
5. The Timeline is the area where one controls sequencing and timing of graphics of a movie.
6. Layers are like transparent sheets stacked on top of one another, each containing a different image that appears on the Stage.

B. State True or False:
1. The shortcut key to import a picture is Ctrl + G. (False)
Correct Answer:
The shortcut key to import a picture is Ctrl + R.
2. Radial gradient changes colour in a circular outward direction starting from the focal point. (True)
3. In Tweened animation, you can change the contents of every frame to create an animation. (False)
Correct Answer:
In Frame-by-frame animation, you can change the contents of every frame to create an animation.
4. The Tools section consists of tools that are used for drawing, painting and selecting objects. (True)
5. To select multiple objects using the Selection Tool, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the objects. (False)
Correct Answer:
To select multiple objects using the Selection Tool, hold the Shift key while clicking on the objects.
6. The default Stage size is 550 × 400 pixels. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Mohit created an animation file using Animate. He wants to convert an object to a symbol using the shortcut key. Which shortcut key should he use?
He can convert an object to a symbol using the F8.

2. Chetna wants to create a rainbow scene in Animate. Suggest her the tool that she can use to paint the rainbow on the Stage.
She can either use Brush or Paint Bucket tool to paint the rainbow on the Stage.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What are the little rectangular cells that appear on the Timeline called?
a) Frames
b) Layers
c) Keyframes
a) Frames

2. Which one of the following shortcut keys is used to insert a frame?
a) F2
b) F5
c) F10
b) F5

3. Which shortcut key is do we use to display Document Settings dialog box?
a) Ctrl + F3
b) Ctrl + J
c) Ctrl + C
b) Ctrl + J

4. Which panel acts as a store house of symbols in Animate?
a) Library
b) Tools
c) Properties
a) Library

5. Which shortcut key is used to play the animation in Animate?
a) Ctrl + Alt
b) Shift + Enter
c) Ctrl + Enter
c) Ctrl + Enter

6. What is the file extension of Animate?
a) .fla
b) .flash
c) .fas
a) .fla

E. Answer in one line or sentence:
1. What are the default stage dimensions on the Animate Window?
The default stage dimensions on the Animate Window are 550 × 400 pixels.

2. Name the parts of Tools panel.
The various parts of Tools panel are Tools, View, Colors, and Options

3. Briefly mention the two methods of creating an animation in Animate.
Frame by frame animation and Tweened animation are the two methods of creating an animation in Animate.
Frame by frame animation: In this, we create an image in every frame.
Tweened animation: In this, we create the starting and ending keyframes to animate the object.

4. Name the types of gradient in Animate.
There are two types of gradients in Animate: Linear Gradient and Radial Gradient.

5. Name the tweened animation that is used to change the colour of an object.
Tint tweening is the animation that is used to change the colour of an object.

6. Name the shortcut key to insert a blank keyframe.
F7 is the shortcut key to insert a blank keyframe.

F. Answer the following:
1. What do you know about Animate?
Animate is a powerful animation software package developed by Adobe Systems (formerly Macromedia). Animate provides a versatile and easy way to create animation that consists of images, sounds, and videos with various effects. Animate is a vector based program, which means that the graphics created in it can be scaled to any size without compromising the quality. Animate is extremely useful for developing highly interactive websites, online advertisements, computer games, and contents for various mobile devices. Playing movies in any browser is one of the best features of Animate.

2. Differentiate between a Frame and a Keyframe.

Frame: Frame is defined as the little rectangular cells that appear on the Timeline. A frame displays the content of the movie at a specific moment of time.
Keyframe: Keyframes are special type of frames, where we define some change to an object's properties for an animation like position, colour, shape, etc.

3. What does Property Inspector display?
The Property Inspector is a panel that displays the properties of the selected object (text, symbol, an image, a line or a shape). 

4. Describe the term Gradient.
A gradient is a multicolour fill in which one colour gradually changes into another colour. Gradients are formed by mixing of two or more colours in an object.

5. Briefly explain the term Animation.
Animation involves a series of still images, usually painted or sketched, displayed in rapid sequence. This transition from one image to another is so quick that it appears to show the movement.

6. What do you understand by Tint Tweening?
Tint Tweening is used to change the colour of an object. Tint effect works only on symbols and cannot be added to the objects that are drawn directly on the canvas of the movies.

7. Explain the utility of Filters in Animate.
Filters allows you to add interesting visual effects to text, buttons, and movie clips. Filters usually involve effects, such as drop shadow, blur, glow, bevel, etc.

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