Kips Class 7 Cyber Apps Chapter 5 Working with Layers

Chapter 5 Working with Layers

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Layers are like multiple transparent sheets that can hold objects and are stacked on top of each other.
2. The active layer in the Timeline is indicated with a Keyframe Navigation Controller Icon.
3. When you take an object out of the Library, the object is referred as an instance of a symbols.
4. To display the grids on the stage, select the View > Grid > Show Grid.
5. Mask is an object that acts as a hole through which we see the contents of a layer or layers beneath it.

B. Write True or False:
1. In Animate, only one layer can be activated at a time. (True)
2. You can convert an object to a symbol by using the F8 key. (True)
3. The speed of animation can be adjusted in the work area. (False)
Correct Answer:
The speed of animation can be adjusted in the Timeline.
4. Masking hides the other parts and shows only those parts of an image that appear underneath the object on which we are applying the masking effects. (True)
5. An animation cannot be repeated more than once. (False)
Correct Answer:
An animation can be repeated more than once.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Himani has imported an image of the jungle scene to layer. She has drawn a polygon shape in another layer. She wants to create the spotlight effect that would display the animals and the jungle scene through the polygon object. Suggest her the effect which can meet her requirement.
She can use Masking effect to meet her requirements.

2. Isha is a Fine Arts student. She has drawn various in different layers in Animate. Now she does not want to make any further changes to her sketches. Which option should she use to lock all the layers?
In the Timeline, click on the white dot under the Lock column. A padlock icon appears, indicating that the layer is now locked.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which tool allows you to see a faint ghost image of the previous frame?
a) Onion Skin
b) Timeline
c) Layer
a) Onion Skin

2. Which option is used to repeat the animation?
a) Ctrl + F6
b) Ctrl + Play
c) Ctrl + Loop Playback
c) Ctrl + Loop Playback

3. Which key combination can group the objects in Animate?
a) Ctrl + O
b) Shift + G
c) Ctrl + G
c) Ctrl + G

E. Answer the following:
1. What do you understand by the term Layer?
Layers are like transparent sheets that can hold objects and are stacked on top of each other. Layers are useful while developing a big animation movie. Layers allow you to organise the artwork, animations, and other elements of your movie. You can draw and edit objects in one layer without affecting the objects in another layer.

2. What do you understand by hiding and showing a layer? How will you hide a layer?
You can hide the layers to view the contents on the other layers. While hiding the layers, you have the option either to hide all the layers in your document at once or hide the layers individually.
• Click on the Eye icon above the layers. A white cross symbol appears in the Eye column. You will find that all the contents disappear from the stage.
• Click on each white cross symbol one by one in the column, and observe that the contents on the layer reappear on the stage.

3. Write any two methods to rename a layer.

• Method 1:
→ Select the layer which you want to rename.
→ Double-click on the layer name and type the new name.
• Method 2:
→ Right click on the layer name. Select the Properties option from the Context menu. Or Choose Modify > Timeline > Layer Properties from the menu.
→ The Layer properties dialog box appears. Type the new name in the Name text box and click on OK.

4. What do you know about masking in Animate?
In Animate, masking is a way to selectively hide and display the content on a layer. The mask layer contains a mask item that can be a filled shape, a typed object, an instance of graphic symbol, or a movie clip on one layer. This acts as a hole through which we can see the content of the other layers beneath it. Masking is often used in Animate to create spotlight effects that would display the text or object through a hole.

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