Kips Class 7 Cyber Apps Chapter 8 More on CSS3

Chapter 8 More on CSS3

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Text-align sets the horizontal alignment of the text inside the block.
2. Line-height property is used to specify the space between two lines of text.
3. Font-style displays the chosen text either in normal, italic, or oblique.
4. Text-transform property is used to convert the text into uppercase, lowercase or capitalize the first letter of each word.
5. In Inline method, style declaration is given with each individual element with the help of Style attribute.
6. The Margin is the distance from each side to the sides of the neighbouring elements of the document.

B. State True or False:
1. Generic family names should always be written in quotation marks. (False)
Correct Answer:
If font family name contains space or special symbol in it, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
2. Font size sets the size of the text. (True)
3. Work-break property specifies space between two words. (False)
Correct Answer:
Work-break property specifies the line breaking rules.
4. It is not possible to specify margins individually for each side. (False)
Correct Answer:
It is possible to specify margins individually for each side.
5. The default value of border-style is ridge. (False)
Correct Answer:
The default value of border-style is none.
6. CSS provides formatting options to style the text of a webpage. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Shruti has displayed the entire text of her document in uppercase. Name the property she has used to achieve the same.
She has used text-transform property to display the entire text of the document in uppercase.

2. Rimi wants to apply shadow effect to the heading of her web page. Which property should she use to accomplish the same?
Rimi should use text-shadow property to accomplish the same.

3. Rajat wants to assign green colour to a paragraph. Write the code that will help him in completing the task.
Rajat should use color: green; to assign green colour to a paragraph. 

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which one of the following is not a value of font-size?
a) xx-large
b) smaller
c) 3x
c) 3x

2. Identify the correct code:
a) Border-style:double_side
b) Border-style:single_side
c) Border-style:inset
c) Border-style:inset

3. Choose the property that enables you to specify the spaces between the lines of text.
a) Font-Height
b) Font-Weight
c) Line-Height
c) Line-Height

4. Which property allows you to apply decorations to the text in a block?
a) Color
b) Font-Decoration
c) Text-Decoration
c) Text-Decoration

5. Which property has Overline as one of the possible values?
a) Text-Style
b) Text-Decoration
c) Text-Transform
b) Text-Decoration

6. ______________ is the family of fonts which has finished strokes or pointed ends.
a) Cursive
b) Monospace
c) Serif
c) Serif 

7. _________________ property specifies line breaking rules.
a) Word-break
b) Line-break
c) Text-break
a) Word-break

8. If the font size is not specified, the default size of normal text would be _______________.
a) 10px
b) 20px
c) 16px
c) 16px

E. Answer the following:
1. Differentiate between the properties, Text-decoration and Text-shadow.

• Text-decoration
→ This property specifies the decorations that can be applied to the text in a block.
→ It is supported in all browsers.
→ Syntax: text-decoration: value
• Text-shadow
→ This property adds shadow around the text.
→ It may not be supported by all browsers.
→ Syntax: text-shadow: value

2. Explain the utility of the font-family property.
The font-family property specifies the prioritised list of fonts to be used to display a given element or webpage.

3. How can we set the margins for an element?
The margin properties are used to set the margin on an HTML document. You can change the presentation of elements by setting the margin and padding properties.
Syntax: margin-side: value
where side = top/right/bottom/left and value = length/percentage/auto

4. What values can be assigned to the font-size property?
The values that can be assigned to the font-size property are xx-large, large, medium, smaller, xx-smaller, %(percent), x-large, larger, small, x-smaller, length. 

5. Explain the Inline method of applying CSS.
In the Inline style method, style declaration is given with each individual element with the help of style attribute.

6. Write a short note on Border properties.
Border properties help you to set the border style, border width, and border colour of an HTML element.

7. Write the short notes on the following:
Text-Indent: ________________________________
Word break: ________________________________
Text-transform: _____________________________
Line-height: ________________________________

Text-Indent: The text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line of a text.
Word break: The word-break property specifies the line breaking rules.
Text-transform: This property is used to transform the letters in a text into uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize the first letter of each word.
Line-height: This property is used to specify the space between two lines of the text.

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