Kips Class 7 Cyber Beans Chapter 10 Cyber Safety

Chapter 10 Cyber Safety

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Computer Ethics are a set of procedures, moral principles, and ethical practices that regulates the use of computer.
2. The simplest way to prevent plagiarism is citation.
3. Cyber bulling is an act of deliberating harming, harassing, or targeting a person by another person using the Internet.
4. An illegal intrusion into a computer system or network is known as hacking.
5. Intellectual property is a term referring to the legal property rights of a person over creations of his/her mind, both, artistic and commercial.

B. State True or False:
1. Spams are unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources. (True)
2. Hacking is the usage or imitation of the languages and thoughts of another person and projecting them as one’s own original work. (False)
Correct Answer:
Plagiarism is the usage or imitation of the languages and thoughts of another person and projecting them as one’s own original work.
3. You can identify the unsecured websites by looking at the lock sign or https on the address bar. (False)
Correct Answer:
You cannot identify the unsecured websites by looking at the lock sign or https on the address bar.
4. Encryption is the process of transforming data into an unreadable code. (True)
5. A patent grants the inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for an unlimited period. (False)
Correct Answer:
A patent grants the inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a specific period of time.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Neha is confused in deciding whether the mail which she has received is a genuine one or a spam. Can you help her in identifying any indicative feature?
Spams are unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources. Indicative features of spam messages are that they do not include your e-mail address in the TO: or CC: fields are common forms of spam. Some spam e-mail can contain offensive language or links to websites with inappropriate content.

2. Ruby is surfing the internet to prepare herself for the Civil Services Examination. She wants to know whether the websites which she is referring are secured or not. Suggest her the way in which she can clear her doubt.
The URL of a secured website starts with https//: and your browser displays an icon of the closed lock.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources are called as _________________.
a) Spams
b) Trash
c) Junk
a) Spams

2. _________________ is a small text file stored on your computer’s browser directory that collects the information of your online activity and reports back to the host.
a) Register
b) Cookie
c) Browser
b) Cookie

3. A _________________ is a legal right granted by law to the creator for his original work.
a) Copyright
b) Patent
c) Trademark
a) Copyright

4. _____________ is the process of transforming data into an unreadable code.
a) Encoding
b) Encryption
c) Decryption
b) Encryption

5. _____________ is an act of sending an e-mail to a user misleading him to believe that it is from a trusted person or organisation, in an attempt to obtain sensitive information for malicious purpose.
a) Phishing
b) Spamming
c) Hacking
a) Phishing

E. Answer the following:
1. What are the advantages of internet?

• Forum: An Internet Forum is an online discussion where like-minded people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
• Social Networking: It is the latest way to communicate. It offers a platform where an individual can connect with friends and strangers on the basis of shared interests or views. Example: Facebook, Twitter, etc.
• Education: It is widely used for educational purpose by students, teachers etc., to learn anytime and anywhere. The Internet is a vast storehouse of information and is also used to publish papers and articles.

2. Write down any four ethical guidelines which should be followed while using a computer.

• Do not use computer technology to steal information or to cause disruption or interference in other users’ work.
• Do not spy on another person’s computer data.
• Avoid buying pirated software. Pay for the software unless it is free.
• Do not use someone else’s computer resources without an authorization. 

3. Define plagiarism. What steps can be taken to prevent it?
Plagiarism is the usage or imitation of the language and thoughts of another person projected as one’s own original work. Steps that can be taken to prevent it are:
• All sources are neither accurate, nor they validate the information as accurate. Therefore, you must specify the source, which informs readers regarding the basis of your ideas and the extent of your research. Citation gives the strength to your resources.
• To avoid plagiarism, one can rephrase the matter.
• Use quotation marks around all the quoted words of another person to avoid plagiarism.

4. How can you protect your Intellectual Property Rights from getting violated?
Ways to protect Intellectual Property Rights from getting violated
• Patent your inventions
• Copyright your Art and Publications
• Register your Trademarks

5. Write short notes on:
a. Spamming
b. Cybercrime
c. Firewall
d. Software Piracy
e. Hacking
f. Phishing

a. Spams are unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources. Spams are generally sent in large numbers for commercial advertising. In spamming, millions of copies of the same message are sent to e-mail users worldwide.

b. Cybercrime is any illegal activity done through the Internet, e.g., identify theft, where somebody can steal your e-mail id or password and use it to send fake e-mails containing false information about a product, winning a lottery, etc.

c. Firewall is a security system that prevents unauthorised people to access your system and network. It can be either software or hardware, or a combination of both. 

d. When software is copied and distributed illegally, it is called Software Piracy.

e. Hacking refers to an illegal intrusion into the computer system or network. 

f. It is an act of sending an e-mail to a user misleading him to believe that it is from a trusted person or organisation.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi MSD,
      Here is the answer for your question:
      Internet stands for Interconnected Network of computers. It is a global system of inter-connected computer networks that enables the users to share information and various resources with each other.


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