Kips Class 7 Cyber Beans Chapter 3 Advanced Features of Excel

Chapter 3 Advanced Features of Excel

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Chart is an effective way to display data in pictorial form.
2. Data series are the bars or slices that show the data values.
3. Bar chart displays data in the form of long rectangular rods.
4. Y-axis is the vertical axis that is used to plot the values.
5. Legend is a key that is used to identify the colours, patterns, or symbols assigned to a data series.

B. State True or False:
1. You can sort the data only in one field. (False)
Correct Answer:
You can sort the data more than one field.
2. A chart is updated automatically with the change in data. (True)
3. We cannot modify the chart by changing its colours and patterns. (False)
Correct Answer:
We can modify the chart by changing its colours and patterns.
4. X-axis is the horizontal axis. (True)
5. The Chart area contains the actual chart itself and includes data series, category, and value axis as well. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Kanika is a Chartered Accountant. She looks after the accounts of various companies and keeps their records in Microsoft Excel. She does not have any idea how to view only those records that she wants to see. Suggest the feature of Microsoft Excel using which she can perform this task.
Kanika can use the Filter feature that allows you to view only those records that you want to see while it hide the rest of the data temporarily from the view. She can filter a list to display records that meet specific criteria by using the AutoFilter command.

2. Ritu is a student of Class VII. Her geography teacher has asked to prepare a chart on the population of four Metro cities of India. Suggest her the best suited chart type for her project.
She can use the Bar chart to depict the population of four Metro cities of India. 

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Name the bars or slices that represents the data values on the chart.
a) Data Series
b) Plot Area
c) Legend
a) Data Series

2. Which chart type displays data in the form of a circle?
a) Line
b) Pie
c) Bar
b) Pie

3. Which function key is used to insert a chart in a worksheet?
a) F6
b) F8
c) F11
c) F11

4. Name the special window that displays data when you insert a chart.
a) Datasheet
b) Database
c) Sheet
a) Datasheet

5. Which feature allows us to arrange the given data according to the particular field either in an ascending or descending order?
a) Data Form
b) Sort
c) Filter
b) Sort

E. Answer the following:
1. What is a Chart?
Chart is an effective way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw comparisons and analyse the growth, relationship and trends among the values in a range.

2. How is a Column chart different from a Bar chart?

Column Chart - It is used to display data in form of vertical bars. It is used to show changes in data over a period of time.
Bar Chart - It displays data in the form of long rectangular rods called bars. A Bar Chart is used to illustrate comparison among the individual items.

3. What is the difference between Chart area and Plot area?

Chart Area - The Chart Area includes all the objects and elements in a chart.
Plot Area - Plot Area is a window within the Chart Area. It contains actual chart and includes the plotted data, data series, category axis and value axis.

4. What is the use of Sorting feature in Excel?
Sorting feature in Excel means arranging data either in an ascending or descending order in a worksheet. Data can be sorted in rows on the basis of text, numbers, combination of text, and numbers or dates.

5. Briefly explain the utility of Filter feature.
The Filter feature allows you to view only those records that you want to display while it hides the rest of the data temporarily from the view.

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