Kips Class 7 Cyber Beans Chapter 9 Using Lists and Tables in HTML5

Chapter 9 Using Lists and Tables in HTML5

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A List is the most efficient way of presenting information in a precise manner.
2. An Unordered list indents each item in the list and adds a bullet against each item.
3. The Border-spacing property is used to specify the distance between the borders of the adjacent cells.
4. The Reversed attribute of <ol> tag puts the list in the descending order.
5. A Description list is used to present a list of definitions for terms.

B. State True or False:
1. An Ordered list automatically starts with the number 0. (False)
Correct Answer:
An Ordered list automatically starts with the number 10.
2. The List-style-type property specifies the type of list item marker that will be used as a bullet. (False)
Correct Answer:
The List-style-type specifies the bullet style that will be used as the type of list item marker.
3. The <TR> tag must always be present inside the row tag <TD>. (False)
Correct Answer:
The <TD> tag must always be present inside the row tag <TR>.
4. The tag <DT> is used to define the terms or names. (True)
5. The default value of empty-cells property is hide. (False)
Correct Answer:
The default value of empty-cells property is show.

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Manas has created a table and he wants that the table borders should be collapsed into a single border. Which property should he use?
He should use border-collapse property.

2. Myrah want to use an image as the list item marker for her list. Can you suggest her the property to complete the task?
She should use List-style-image property to complete the task.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Unordered lists is also known as _________ list.
a) Bulleted
b) Numbered
c) Multilevel
a) Bulleted

2. By default, ordered list starts with ______________.
a) A
b) 1
c) a
b) 1

3. With ________ property, you can specify the position of the list-item markers.
a) List-style-position
b) List-style-place
c) List-position
a) List-style-position

4. In Description list, _____________ tag helps in describing each term or name.
a) <dl>
b) <dd>
c) <dn>
b) <dd>

5. _______________ property helps in specifying the placement of a table caption.
a) Caption-style
b) Caption-place
c) Caption-side
c) Caption-side

E. Answer the following:
1. Differentiate between <UL> and <OL> tags.
<ul> tag begins an unordered list, where the items in the list are not to be displayed in any particular sequence. Whereas, the tag displays the list of items in a specific order. Such a list is called an ordered list. It indents and gives a number to each item in the list.

2. What are the different types of lists supported by HTML5? Explain each one of them briefly.
The different types of lists supported by HTML5 are
• List-style-type: This property specifies the bullet style that will be used as the type of list item marker.
• List-style-image: With this property, you can specify an image as the list item marker.
• List-style-position: You can specify the position of the list-item markers with the help of this property, i.e., to make them appear inside or outside the content flow.

3. What are Tables and how are they created in HTML5?
Tables are extremely popular on the web because they are flexible and an attractive way of presenting information in the form of rows and columns. To create a table in HTML5, <table> tag is used. Each table begins with a <table> tag and ends with </table> tag.

4. Write short notes on:
a) List-style-image: ____________________________________________
b) List-style: __________________________________________________
c) Empty-cells: ________________________________________________

a) List-style-image: With this property, you can specify an image as the list item marker.
b) List-style: This is the shorthand property wherein all the list properties can be specified in one declaration.
c) Empty-cells: This property helps in specifying whether or not the border and background are to be placed around empty cells in a table.

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