Kips Class 6 Cyber Apps Chapter 5 More on PowerPoint 2007

Chapter 5 More on PowerPoint 2007

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. We specify number of rows and columns in the Insert Table dialog box.
2. The Pen Color tool is used to change the cells/rows/columns border colour.
3. The Shading tool is used to apply different background colours in a table.
4. The Plot Area is a window within the Chart Area that contains the actual chart itself.
5. Data Series are the bars that show the data value.
6. The Pen Weight Tool is present in the Draw Borders group.

B. State True or False:
1. To insert a table in a presentation, we should use Title Slide layout. (False)
Correct Answer:
To insert a table in a presentation, we should use Title and Content layout.
2. Text can be entered in a table by clicking on the desired cell. (True)
3. Multiple rows can be added in a table. (True)
4. The border of a table cannot be modified. (False)
Correct Answer:
The border of a table can be modified.
5. When we insert a chart, the data is also displayed in a special window called Datasheet. (True)
6. We cannot delete the entire data of a worksheet. (False)
Correct Answer:
We can delete the entire data of a worksheet.
7. The text is aligned to the top of a cell by default. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Rajiv has created a presentation of 5 slides in Microsoft PowerPoint. In all the five slides he has used only text. He wants to add one more slide, in which he would insert chart and clipart. Suggest which type of slide layout should he use for the same.
Rajiv should use Title and Content layout for the same.

2. Sumit is working in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. He has created a table of 4 rows and 5 columns. But later on, he realised that he needs one more row in the same table. Help him by suggesting the correct option to perform this task.
To insert new rows in a table: Right-click in a cell > Select the Insert option from the shortcut menu, and click either on the Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below sub-option.

D. Multiple Choice Question:
1. Intersection of a row and a column is called a __________________.
a) Cell Border
b) Table
c) Cell
c) Cell

2. ____________________ depicts the pattern, colour, or symbols which are assigned to the data series.
a) Chart Area
b) Legend
c) Plot Area
b) Legend

3. ________________ refers to the positioning of text in a table cell.
a) Alignment
b) Formatting
c) Table Style
a) Alignment

4. After inserting a table in PowerPoint 2007, the ________________ tab appears automatically.
a) Table
b) Table Tools
c) Table Format
b) Table Tools

5. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, Chart button is present on the ________________ tab.
a) Home
b) Design
c) Insert
a) Home

6. There are ___________________________ alignment buttons on the Layout tab.
a) Four
b) Six
c) Three
b) Six

E. Answer the following:
1. Explain any two methods to insert a table in a presentation.

→ To insert a table, click on New Slide, drop-down arrow on the Home tab. Select the title and content layout. Click on the Insert Table Icon present on the Slide. The Insert Table dialog box will appear. Define the number of columns and rows. Click on OK.
→ Click on Insert Table and select draw tab option to draw a table.

2. Describe the method to add rows in a table.
To insert new rows in a table
→ Place the Insertion point in a cell.
→ Click the right mouse button.
→ Select the insert option and click either on the Insert Row Above or Insert Rows Below sub-option.

3. How can you apply border to a table and change its colour?

→ To apply border to a table:
Click on the Borders button in the Table Styles group on the Design tab. Select the All Borders option from the drop-down menu. Border will be applied on the table.
→ To apply border colour:
Select the table and click on the Pen Color in the Draw Borders group on the Design tab. Choose the required colour from the color palette. Drag the mouse over the table and release the button. The table colour will be changed.

4. Name all the alignment buttons present on the Layout tab.
Alignment refers to the positioning of a text in a table. Six alignments buttons on the Layout tab which are Align Text left, Centre, Align Text right, Align Top, Centre Vertically and Align Bottom.

5. Differentiate between Category Axis and Value Axis.

• Category Axis: Category Axis or X-Axis is a horizontal axis. The matter that is compared and presented in the chart comes under it.
• Value Axis: Value Axis or Y-Axis is a vertical axis that is used to plot values.

6. Define the term Chart. Name the components of a chart.
Chart is an effective way to display data in a graphical and pictorial form. They make it easier to show comparisons and growth, relationship among values, provides accurate analysis of the information. Chart Area, Category Axis, Value Axis, Data Series, Category Name, Plot Area, Legend, Chart Title, Gridlines are the components of a chart.

7. How will you delete the default data of a datasheet?
Select the data to be deleted by using Ctrl + A key combination and press the Delete Key.

8. Explain the methods to change a chart type.

• Select the chart. Click on the Design tab under Chart tools.
• Click on Change Chart Type button in the Type group. The “Change Chart Type” dialog box appears.
• Select any chart type and click on OK. The chart will change accordingly.

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