Kips Class 6 Cyber Beans Chapter 7 Microsoft Excel 2010

Chapter 7 Microsoft Excel 2010

Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. By default, a workbook contains three worksheets.
2. Merge and centre button places the contents in the centre of the cells across a number of columns/rows.
3. Formula bar shows data and formulas entered in an active cell.
4. A worksheet becomes active by clicking on the sheet tab.
5. Name box is present above the column heading.
6. The tab scrolling buttons to the left of sheet tabs let you move through the worksheets quickly.
7. Pressing the F12 key opens the Save As dialog box.

B. State True or False:
1. Microsoft Excel is the most suited program for documentation. (False)
Correct Answer:
Microsoft Excel is the most suited program for spread sheet.
2. A workbook can contain any number of worksheets according to a users’ need. (True)
3. Letters A to Z, AA to AZ are the Row headings. (False)
Correct Answer:
Letters A to Z, AA to AZ are the Column headings.
4. Status bar includes the name of the currently selected command or current activity. (True)
5. Data cannot be entered in an active cell. (False)
Correct Answer:
Data can be entered in an active cell.
6. Arrow buttons present on the worksheet tab allow the user to switch between worksheets. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. The class teacher has asked Pallavi to create a worksheet displaying the time table of the class. She has also asked her to save it with the name of her choice and further rename the worksheet by specifying the name, 'Time Table'. Suggest her the method to rename the worksheet.
She should right-dick on the worksheet and select Rename option from the shortcut menu and type the name Time Table.

2. Rohit's father has given him Rs. 500 for his pocket expense. He has asked him to maintain the expenses in an excel sheet and show it at the end of the month. Suggest him the method to calculate the total expenses and find the amount left with him.
He can calculate the total expenses and find the amount left with him by calculating total expenses by using AutoSum function. To calculate amount left, subtract the value of total expenses from 500.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. In Microsoft Excel, __________ button is used to perform addition of a range in a cell.
a) Sum
b) AutoSum
c) Addition
b) AutoSum

2. By default, the text data is _______ align in a cell.
a) Left
b) Centre
c) Right
a) Left

3. In a worksheet, there are _________ rows.
a) 16384
b) 104850
c) 1048576
c) 1048576

4. ____________ box shows the address of an active cell.
a) Cell
b) Name
c) Formula
b) Name

5. A formula starts with an ________ sign.
a) Equal to (=)
b) Plus (+)
c) Minus (-)
a) Equal to (=)

6. We can enter ________ types of data in a worksheet.
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
b) Three

E. Answer the following:
1. What do you understand by Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular spread sheet software. The data is spread in a tabular form consisting of rows and columns. It provides in built features and tools, such as formulas, functions, and data analysis tools that make it easier to work with large amount of data.

2. Differentiate between a Workbook and a Worksheet.

• Workbook
→ The Excel Window that appears on the screen is called Workbook.
→ By default an Excel workbook displays three worksheets.
• Worksheet
→ Worksheet is a grid like area, made up of rows and columns.
→ A worksheet consists of 1048576 rows and 16384 columns.

3. What is a cell? How many characters can a cell contain?
A cell is intersection of rows and columns in a worksheet. Each cell is denoted with a cell address. A cell can contain up to 32767 characters.

4. What is a Formula Bar? How is it different from the Name box?
A Formula Bar is located to the right of the Name Box. This bar shows the data and formulas that you enter in an active cell. Name Box is located just above Column heading on the left side of the window.

5. How many types of data can be entered in an excel sheet? Explain each type briefly.
Three types of data can be entered in Microsoft Excel worksheet as follows:
• Numbers are values that consists of numerals from 0 to 9 and the characters like +, -, !, @.
• Text data can be alphabet, numbers, spaces, and special characters.
• A formula is a mathematical equation involving number values, operators and cell addresses used for performing calculations.

6. How can you rename a worksheet? Explain.

• To rename a worksheet, double-click the Sheet tab you want to rename. It will be highlighted.
• Type a new name and press Enter key.

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