Kips Class 9 AI Unit 1: Communication Skills (Communication Cycle)

Unit 1: Communication Skills (Communication Cycle)

Assessment Time
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Without feedback the sender cannot confirm if the receiver has interpreted the message correctly.
2. Physical conditions that affect communication process are called environmental barriers.
3. The communication channel is the means through which the message travels from the source to the receiver.
4. The receiver is the one who decodes or interprets the message.
5. Listening to others is a very important aspect of effective communication.

B. Answer the Following Questions:
Question 1: What is communication?
Communication is the process of transferring or sharing information between two or more people. It is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas, and feelings but also create and share a new meaning.

Question 2: What are the features of effective communication?
An effective communication is a communication between two or more people where the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood.
Features of effective communication:
• Communication is a meaningful process that involves a sender and a receiver. While communicating, both should share a mutually accepted code, i.e. a common language.
• A message should be clear. It should convey the right meaning to others.
• Listening to others is a very important aspect of effective communication.
• Communication is a process in which there is an input and an output. A meaningful communication results in a response from the receiver.

Question 3: List the barriers to effective communication. Explain any two.
The barriers to effective communication are
• Environmental barriers
• Situational barriers
• Individual barriers
Environmental barriers: These are physical conditions that affect the communication process. For example, defective instruments, poor lighting, uncomfortable seating arrangements and unhygienic room conditions distract listeners.
Situational barriers: The factors like distance, noise and distractions cause unnecessary disruption in the communication process. For example, loud music and noise from generators or other machinery.

Question 4: Sidhant is preparing for his first campaign speech. Advise him about the possible barriers to effective communication and how can he avoid them?
The possible barriers to effective communication are
• Defective instruments, poor lighting, uncomfortable seating arrangement, and unhygienic conditions distract listeners
• Loud music and noise from generators or other machinery distract listeners
• Attitudinal barriers like age, gender, lack of interest, discomfort with topic etc. distract listeners.

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