Kips Class 9 AI Unit 1: Communication Skills (Various Methods of Communication)

Unit 1: Communication Skills (Various Methods of Communication)

Assessment Time
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Facial expressions is the most noticeable aspect of non-verbal communication.
2. The most significant advantage of oral communication is that it provides immediate feedback.
3. The use of visual aids grab the attention of the students and keep them engaged.
4. Written communication is the most formal form of communication.
5. Tone is an example of non-verbal communication.

B. Answer the Following Questions:
Question 1: What are the advantages and limitations of oral communication? Explain with example.
The process of expressing information or ideas through spoken words is known as Oral communication.
• Advantages of Oral communication
→ It is interpersonal and helps in building relationships.
→ It encourages involvement in team work and decision-making process.
→ Oral message provides prompt feedback.
→ It is cost-efficient.
→ It is a preferred mode of communication for private and confidential matters.
• Limitations of Oral communication
→ In this form of communication, emotions are visible and hence can lead to miscommunication.
→ It has no legal validity.
→ It does not provide a permanent record and the message can be easily forgotten.
→ It may be difficult for certain people to understand speech due to various accents and pace used in oral communication.
→ This form of communication is not suitable for lengthy messages.

Question 2: Explain with the help of an example how body language may support or contradict a message.
Body language includes facial expression, eye movements, hand gestures, postures etc. For example, standing erect and leaning forward communicates to listeners that you are approachable and friendly. Using appropriate expressions and gestures strengthen your speech. For example, in a declamation contest, if your body language reflects confidence, your speech will have a greater impact on the audience as well as on the judges. 

Question 3: What is the significance of Visual communication?
Any verbal or non-verbal communication utilising the sense of sight is known as Visual communication. Significance of Visual communication are
→ Visual communication skills involve the judicious use of visual aids to make a penetrative and lasting impact on a receiver’s mind.
→ Graphs, charts, maps, PPTs, smart-boards etc. are different types of visual aids that help in conveying a message effectively.
→ For example, an educator can impart knowledge on a particular topic to the students in an effective manner with the help of a smart board, picture or a diagram.
→ These visual aids help students to retain information and understand the concept much more clearly and quickly. The use of visual aids grab the attention of the students and keep them engaged.

Question 4: Prateek wants to share the marking criteria for the final project with his team mates. Suggest him the preferred channel for this task and give reasons for the same.
Prateek should use Visual Communication for sharing the marking criteria with his team mates because
→ Visual aids like diagram, graphs, models, etc. make oral communication more meaningful.
→ Use of visual aids make complex data easy to comprehend.
→ Visual aids make the communication more interesting.

Question 5: Enlist the disadvantages of Non-verbal communication.
Disadvantages of non-verbal communication:
→ It is difficult to analyse a non-verbal message, thus leaving a greater possibility of distortion of information.
→ In non-verbal communication, long conversations and necessary explanations are not possible.

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