Kips Class 9 AI Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills (Operating System)

 Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills (Operating System)

Assessment Time
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Windows is a very poplar operating system because of its user-friendly environment.
2. Desktop is the first screen displayed after switching-on windows.
3. Notification Area at the right side of the taskbar includes a clock and a group of icons.
4. Small graphic symbols displayed on the desktop are called icons.
5. The Recycle Bin is used by Windows computers to store deleted items.

B. State True or False:
1. Start button is located on the extreme right side of the Taskbar on the Windows desktop. (False)
Correct Answer:
Notification Area is located on the extreme right side of the Taskbar on the Windows desktop.
2. The desktop background is called the Wallpaper. (True)
3. Linux operating system was developed by Microsoft Corporation. (False)
Correct Answer:
Windows operating system was developed by Microsoft Corporation.
4. Ubuntu is a free open-source Linux operating systems. (True)

C. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is Linux? Discuss a few features of Linux.
Linux is the operating system that is available free of cost. It was developed by Linus Torvalds on 5th October 1991. Features of Linux:
• Portable
• Multi-user and Multi-programming
• Shell
• Open Source and Free
• Hierarchical File System
• Security

2. What is a Screensaver?
A screensaver is a computer application that blanks the screen of the computer when it is inactive or fills it with images or patterns to avoid phosphor burn-in or plasma and CRT monitor.

3. What is Recycle Bin in Windows? How to empty it?
The Recycle Bin is used by Windows computers to store deleted items. It temporarily stores files and folders before they are permanently deleted. If you want to permanently remove all items in the Recycle Bin, select “Empty the Recycle Bin” in the left sidebar of the window.

4. How to setup system date and time in Windows?
To setup system date and time in Windows
• Click on the start button, then on Control Panel and then search for Date and Time.
• Click on Change time zone and select your time zone.
• Click on Ok.

5. Define Icon. Mention some of the important icons present on Windows 7 desktop.
The small labelled pictures or symbols present on the desktop are called Icons. Some of the important icons present on Windows 7 desktop are
• Computer
• Recycle Bin
• Shortcut Files & Folders

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