Kips Class 8 Cyber Beans Chapter 10 Images, Links & Frames in HTML5

Chapter 10 Images, Links & Frames in HTML5

Brain Developers
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Images can be added to the document with the help of <img> tag.
2. The alt attribute lets you specify text as an alternate to the image.
3. Hyperlinking is the process to link various web pages together.
4. When one part of a web page is linked to another section of the same page, it called internal linking.
5. Frames allow you to present multiple HTML document as independent windows within one browser window.
6. Groove is one of the possible values for the CSS border-style property.

B. State True or False:
1. You cannot display photographs on a web page. (False)
Correct Answer:
You can display photographs on a web page.
2. <H> is used to mark the text as a hypertext link. (False)
Correct Answer:
<A> is used to mark the text as a hypertext link.
3. The value for the alt attribute is a text string of up to 2000 characters. (False)
Correct Answer:
The value for the alt attribute is a text string of up to 1024 characters.
4. Any image can be used as a hyperlink to another document. (True)
5. We can insert an Audio clip or file of any format like .mp3, .ogg, .wav, etc. in our web page with the help of Audio tag. (True)
6. In HTML5, Frames can be created using <iframe> tag. (True)

C. Application Based Questions:
1. Asmita has added a few images on her web page, but she wants to keep some provision for visually impaired persons using text-based browsers so that they get the description for the images. Which attribute should she use to accomplish the task?
She should use alt attribute of <img> tag to accomplish this task.

2. Vikram is creating a website in which he wants to use different images as links to the web pages. He is also interested in adding some video clips to his website. Can you suggest him the required tags to include the above said elements to his website?
Vikram can use image tag inside anchor tag to make the image as a link to some web page. Example:
<a href=”file.html”>
<img src=”Games.jpg”></a>

D. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. ____________ attribute of <A> tag defines the document to which the link leads.
a) href
b) src
c) ref
a) href

2. A ______________ URL points to a file within a web site.
a) Absolute
b) Relative
c) Internal
b) Relative

3. ________ property is used to align an image to the right or left of the text.
a) Wrap
b) Float
c) Align
c) Align

4. _____________ attribute of <audio> tag plays the audio file automatically when the web page is loaded.
a) Start
b) Autoplay
c) Auto
b) Autoplay

5. .webm is one of the supported file formats for _________ file.
a) Audio
b) Video
c) Frame
b) Video

6. _______________ attribute specifies the path of the document that should be displayed in the inline frame.
a) Height
b) Src
c) Autoplay
b) Src

E. Answer the following:
1. How are images added in an HTML document? What are the different attributes of an image element?
The <img> tag is used to add images in an HTML web page. Attributes used with image tag are
• src: To add or define the source of an image on a web page.
• height: To specify the height (in pixels) of an image in the form of an integer or percentage value.
• width: To specify the width (in pixels) of an image in the form of an integer or percentage value.
• alt: To display text as an alternative to the image.

2. What is the importance of associating an alternate text with an image?
Sometimes a browser on the user’s computer does not display images due to some reason (maybe because of slow connection or error in the src attribute). In that case, you can display the text to describe the image. The only purpose of ALT attribute is to describe the contents of an image file. It is generally used in case the user has a text-based browser on his computer, such as Lynx. It also proves to be useful when the user is blind surfer for whom the browser is programmed to read aloud the alternative text instead of displaying the image. In many cases, people have the image display disabled on their browsers or use settings that do not support automatic loading of images. In such cases as well the ALT attribute is used.

3. How can we link web pages in HTML? What are the different types of linking?
The webpages can be linked to each other by using the anchor tag.
• Internal linking: When one part of a web page is linked to another section on the same page, it is called internal linking.
• External linking: When one page is linked to another web page or website, it is called external linking.

4. Explain with the help of a code, how audio and video clips can be added in an HTML document.

To add audio clips:
<html><head><title>Adding Audio Clips</title><style type=”text/css”>body{background-color:#eee}</style></head></body><h3 style=”color:blue”>Music</h3><audio controls src=”C:\User\Desktop\Music.mp3”>Your browser does not support the audio tag</audio></body></html>
To add video clips:
<html><head><title>Adding Video Clips</title><h1>A Video</h1><video controls src=”C:\Users\User\Desktop\video.mp4” width=”720” height=”540” autoplay>Your browser does not support the video tag.</video></body></html>

5. Explain how frames are useful.
Frames allow you to present multiple HTML documents as independent windows within one browser window, which gives greater flexibility in designing and maintaining your website.

F. Answer in one word:
1. The tag which inserts an inline image on the web page.
2. The attribute of <img> tag that specifies the text as an alternative to the image.
3. The tag which marks the text as a hyperlink.
4. The attribute of <a> tag that defines the document to which the link leads.
5. The attribute of <video> tag that plays the video file automatically when the web page is loaded.
6. The CSS property that renders the inline frame borderless.

1. <img> tag
2. Alt attribute
3. Anchor tag <a>
4. href attribute
5. Autoplay
6. border:none

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