Kips Class 9 AI Unit 5: Green Skills (Environment Protection and Conservation)

Unit 5: Green Skills (Environment Protection and Conservation)

Assessment Time
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Biotic factors include all the __________.
a) Non-living things
b) Living things
c) both living and non-living things
d) Natural Resources
b) Living things

2. Examples of abiotic factors are _______________.
a) All the waterbodies
b) All the landforms
c) Water, soil, air, light
d) All the human-made things
c) Water, soil, air, light

3. Human environment refers to the _____________.
a) The natural surroundings of humans
b) The surroundings made by humans
c) All the social institutions and organisations
d) Both b and c
d) Both b and c

4. An ecosystem is any community of living and non-living things that _____________.
a) Work together
b) Interact with each other
c) Are independent of each other
d) All of these
a) Work together

5. All natural resources need to be conserved because
a) They will soon decay
b) They will soon get exhausted
c) They are very costly
d) None of these
b) They will soon get exhausted

B. Fill in the Blanks:
1. An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living components which are interdependent on each other.
2. In an ecosystem, the biotic components include all the living organisms of the ecosystem.
3. Human-made environment includes human activities and their interaction with the abiotic components.
4. Living organisms which depend directly or indirectly on autotrophs for their food are called heterotrophs.
5. Air is made up of several gases but the two most important gases for living beings are oxygen and carbon-dioxide.

C. Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is environment?
Environment comprises our surroundings-the air we breathe, the water that covers the earth’s surface, the plants and animals around us and much more.

2. Define the term ‘ecosystem’.
An ecosystem is any community of living and non-living things that function together.

3. Why is it important to conserve natural resources?
It is important to conserve natural resources because as we continue to overuse the natural resources, a serious natural imbalance will be caused in the environment and many natural resources may soon get exhausted.

4. What are some of the most dangerous effects of the depletion of ozone layer?
The depletion of the ozone layer exposes living things to UVB and UVC rays. The harmful effects of these rays can affect ecosystems and humans and cause the extinction of certain species. 

5. What does the term ‘conservation of environment’ imply?
Conservation of environment implies the proper use and management of natural resources.

D. Answer in One or Two Sentences:
1. What do you understand by overexploitation of natural resources?
Overexploitation refers to the overuse of natural resources to such an extent that it almost reaches a stage of exhaustion. 

2. When is ‘Earth Day’ celebrated?
Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April. 

3. What are greenhouse gases?
Gases that trap the heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases.

4. What is the full form of 3Rs?
3Rs stands for Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

5. What do you mean by conservation of environment?
Conservation of environment means the proper use and management of natural resources. It includes water, air, land, earth deposits, wildlife and natural vegetation.

E. Answer the Following Questions:
1. Explain the composition of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment. Give suitable examples to distinguish between the two factors.
Biotic components consist of all the living organisms within an ecosystem like plants, animals, insects, fungi etc. Abiotic components consist of all the non-living things in an ecosystem like water, air, soil, sunlight etc. 

2. ‘Each ecosystem is unique, but all ecosystems consist of three primary components’. Comment.
Each ecosystem is unique, but all ecosystems consist of three primary components.
• Autotrophs: They are the producers of energy. Plants make up the majority of the autotrophs in an ecosystem as they convert energy from the Sun or other sources into food.
• Heterotrophs: They are the consumers of energy. These are organisms which depend directly or indirectly upon the autotrophs for their food. They are also known as consumers. Most of the heterotrophs are animals.
• Non-living matter: It is soil, sediments and other organic matter found on the ground or at the bottom of an aquatic system.

3. Can development and conservation of environment go hand-in-hand? Explain you point of view.
Yes, conservation and development can go hand in hand. That can take place through sustainable use of resources. This means to use resources but keeping in mind of future generations. Development of resources, when done by thinking of future generations will give the best results.

4. What are some of the factors that cause imbalance in an ecosystem?
Some of the factors that cause imbalance in an ecosystem are:
• Overexploitation of Natural Resources
• Habitat Destruction
• Environmental Pollution
• Greenhouse Gas Emission
• Nuclear Weapons
• Radioactive Wastes
• Biotechnological Misuse

5. Protection of the environment has become an important issue today. Suppose you start a new venture as an entrepreneur, how will you contribute towards protecting the environment?
We can contribute towards protecting the environment:
• by developing environmental friendly habits like proper handling of wastes
• use less electricity
• educate people in the locality for the protection and judicious use of natural resources
• by treating industrial wastes and sewage before they are released into the water bodies
• encourage afforesting

F. Application Based Questions:
1. Renu lives in a society where the residents are facing an acute water crisis. Suggest some ways to the residents to conserve water.
They should plant more trees, not polluting water bodies, using water judiciously for daily chores, practising rainwater harvesting, usage of drip irrigation system etc.

2. Swati uses wood and cow-dung cakes as fuel in her kitchen. She is not aware that these fuels pollute the environment. Suggest some alternatives eco-friendly fuels to her to avoid air pollution.
She should use biogas and biofuels instead of wood and cow-dung cakes as fuel in her kitchen.

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